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What a scam!
January 13, 2025

I've been contacted by those seeking a relationship, but their stories were so similar, same backgrounds, employments, and multiple moves to different states, even reporting they served in the Navy. When I mentioned the similarities, correspondence stopped. Avoid this sight and definitely don't pay to be a member!

Date of experience: January 13, 2025
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Follow Leia S.
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I have been on TrueLDS for about 2 months now. I get replies to most of my messages. It is obvious that most people on here really are dedicated church members. I found some non-members, but at least they do keep the standards.

Date of experience: October 4, 2016
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Follow Isaac E.
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It's too bad they won't let me give zero stars. The site is plagued with fake profiles. When I asked the admin what the deal was with the fake profiles, they completely disregarded my messages. Don't waste your time messaging fake users in this site, it's a scam. You won't get replies and the administrator tries to hide behind a third party fee processing service to deny refunds. Terrible experience. STAY AWAY!

Date of experience: October 11, 2019
Fred J. TrueLDS Rep
over a year old

We always welcome honest feedback. But we cannot appreciate this dishonest review. We replied to all of your (rather inflammatory) messages and we feel that we have made every effort possible to address your concerns. We have refunded you and even offered you a year of free membership!

You have been a member from October 5,2019 at 6:52 to October 11,2019 at 7:34 PM and have logged in only a hand full of times. We feel that you cannot form an opinion about TrueLDS’ services after having used the site so little.

Please allow me to quote from your profile:
“I am coming back to Church after having been inactive for several years. I see my recent move to XXXXX as a chance to start over, this time on the right path. “ I am working on getting my Temple recommend.”
You mention recent, unresolved, past transgressions. Please understand, that most of our of members are looking for someone that is temple worthy. The Atonement is real and we need to forgive, but most LDS singles are not looking to date someone that is still in the repentance process.
You mention some of your interests: ‘I play guitar, train boxing, self-defense, martial arts, and swords. I’m into motorcycles, animals, science and technology, movies, shooting, archery, aviation.’ 6 out of these 12 interests are somewhat related violence and most of your album picture show you with weapons in your hands and the others show you practicing Krav Maga. I am not sure what you think that communicates, but to me it radiates violence. It sends most single sisters running for the hills.
I could go on…….
Please do not get me wrong I am in no way suggesting that you are a violent person. But do understand your profile does not communicate the things that most of our members are looking for. A profile like yours will get next to no response, but please do not blame that on TrueLDS.
Yes, we use a third party to process payments (pretty much all websites do, even Ebay and the Church itself). But that TrueLDS somehow hides behind this is simply not true. Using a third party to process payments makes things more secure and private for our members.

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I was thinking about starting up an account but after looking at "Fred J's" replies to negative reviews. I will not be starting any accounts as long as he is a support employee. His judgmental remarks to people are disgusting and it blows my mind how rude and unprofessional he is. He needs to be fired.

Date of experience: December 4, 2022
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Follow Chelle C.
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Stay away! There is no "TrueLDS Inc." registered, it is a scam. The address on the website is a UPS Store in San Diego. The "owners" are NOT LDS. The members are fake, excepting of course for those who mistakenly believe and post their profile. The entire site is designed to get your pictures, profile, and information so they can scam the world. Everyone report this so we can get this site taken down.

Date of experience: December 23, 2016
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Great Service
March 14, 2017

I met me girlfriend on here. I was amazed with the members and their responsiveness on TrueLDS. I got a year's worth of free membership (on top of your month's subscription), but I will no longer use it because I have found my girl... I tried, but got almost no responses to messages that i sent out.

Date of experience: March 14, 2017
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Good LDS dating site
February 17, 2019

Second time paid subscriber. Very clear easy to use site. Not as pushy / spammy as some other LDS dating sites, when it comes to subscribing. They no longer offer all the free features they used to. But a good site with lots of friendly singles on it.

Date of experience: February 15, 2019
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Follow Cyara J.
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November 29, 2016

This seems like a promising site. I have only just started using it, but I I have received quite a few responses, and the people on the site seem genuine. A new site that is definitely worth a try! They also offer attractive ways to try it to see if it works for you. Very inventive.

Date of experience: November 29, 2016
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Follow Jo G.
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I was shocked at the high percentage of scammers and false profiles. Many easy to detect by simple verification of profile pic listed on or simply pasting a paragraph of text in google. Another reviewer claimed retaliation for also posting a negative review.
I was told they don't verify identities, one scammer had already been kicked off multiple times that week alone (!) (yet easily found again under another new profile).
Not a safe site at all. BE VERY WARY! They did state that they refunded my money (although still waiting!) BE CAUTIOUS!

Date of experience: July 13, 2017
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Follow john V.
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I love this site because it connects members of the church worldwide. Many seek honorable marriage and children. The strength of the church equals the strength of its families. And the stronger the church, the more joy will be spread to every people around the world.

Date of experience: December 20, 2016


TrueLDS has a rating of 1.9 stars from 22 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. TrueLDS ranks 9th among Religious Dating sites.

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