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This site seemed well thought out & therefore I spent a good amount of time answering the questions. Unfortunately, their system would not let me finish signing up. I wasted much time trying to over & over, but I was never able to successfully enter my user name & password. Perhaps if they charge, the site would actually function. How disappointing. I wish you'd fix this.

Date of experience: June 27, 2018
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Follow abidan a.
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I applied honestly and completely for an account over the last several weeks. No reply, no response to the application, reapplication and emails from this website. Are they busy or rude?

Date of experience: March 20, 2014
6 reviews
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Follow Jamie S.
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This is a unique website that can be used as both a blogging, dating or social networking site. I used it to blog about topics related to Christianity but I did manage to meet one woman on there who was in my friends list.

Here is a quick review of this site from my own personal experience. The site is set up good and allows hmail texting formats. The site allows people to post many quality pictures and has a decent profile set-up. People who are not members of this site can't look at your profiles but they can look at your blogs and posts. You can make your profile private or limit who can look at it.

The negatives here is the userbase itself which is very conservative and has very strong orthodox conservative Christian leanings so if you're a liberal Christian or a member of a more liberal denomination you will have a rough time on here. Catholics don't seem to exist on there either (I consider Catholics to be Christians). There are more liberal and moderate Christians on there but most of them people (wisely) stay out of the political/religious leaning blogs. I would also suggest avoiding to discuss scientific issues if you're a more open minded Christian such as evolution, the Big Bang Theory, global warming, etc if you plan on landing a potential date on there. If you're a conservative Christian then this is the site for you.

Date of experience: October 27, 2011
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I applied spent an hour putting personal info in with no reply after 3 weeks Makes me nervous where did all my personal info go and to who?

Date of experience: July 9, 2020