16 businessesThis site seemed well thought out & therefore I spent a good amount of time answering the questions. Unfortunately, their system would not let me finish signing up. I wasted much time trying to over &... read more
I've been contacted by those seeking a relationship, but their stories were so similar, same backgrounds, employments, and multiple moves to different states, even reporting they served in the Navy. W... read more
Why on here it says but their domain is SALAMS.APP
Something strange like they try to hide the bad reviews or something
By the way i have tried this app
And men looking for 2nd wife
Maid cl... read more
This site has tons of good information on raising your family and good principles to live your life by. It's very well organized. It's a site I usually visit every day. The online scriptures are espec... read more
I love the options you find on You can set a goal, and it will keep you on pace with friendly email reminders. You can read on your own or have them read to you. I prefer to rea... read more
I have a strong stand with the LDS! Only individual people who are afraid of their own self and don't want to do anything to make the necessary actions to learn about the Church of Jesus Christ restor... read more
Ordered 3 Tee Shirts, received a little late. Two weeks later, I have been charges $24.95 by "", for a reason unknown to me. I am in the process of filing for a refund through my "... read more
I think this is a great web site. Don't let the name scare you away. Yes it is marketed to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but it is suitable for anyone that wants the help... read more
Best place for Christian Resources, Bible studies, bibles and so much more. Excellent quality items, fantastic customer service and fast shipping. read more
I love this site. The author has done an incredible job of pulling together authoritative resources and laying them out in a logical sequence. Most everything he has laid out relative to the last days... read more