This site has tons of good information on raising your family and good principles to live your life by. It's very well organized. It's a site I usually visit every day. The online scriptures are especially useful. I do prefer the classic layout however which is located at I like that version better because it fills the width of my browser which is something that the new version doesn't do.
This site is an excellent place to learn about my faith. It provides detailed information and is full of resources for members of the church. Many free inspiring downloads can be found. If you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this is a great resource. If you are not a member but would like to learn more, then this is a great starting place.
There is a ton of information and wonderful helps for giving talks, lessons, FHE, etc! I love keeping up on Church news and finding out what compassionate service I can help with. It is invaluable!
Best christian website ever! So much material, site layout is amazing, all questions about life and what to do with it are answered here.
This so-called church is truly the definition of a cult. Here are the ten recognized signs of a cult to prove my point.
1. The leader is the ultimate authority:
You're probably in a cult if you're not allowed to criticize your leader, even if the criticism is valid. ( their prophet has the final say in all matters).
2. The group suppresses skepticism:
You're probably in a cult if you're only allowed to study your organization through approved sources. ( They regularly speak against looking at anything the church does agree with).\
3. The group delegitimizes former members:
Former members are dismissed as bitter, angry, dishonest, or evil if they speak out. Cults often impose some kind of shunning to shame former members and prevent them from infecting other members with the truth. ( The Cult will probably try to have this review removed, I lost my family when I left)
4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
If your group insists the world's end is near, you're probably in a cult. ( They have been preaching we are in the last days for 200 years)
5. The group relies on shame cycles
You're probably in a cult if you need your group to feel worthy, loved, or sufficient.
6. The leader is above the law
When confronted, they do not confess but create justifications for their impropriety. Sexual grooming of members is standard. Loyal cult members will perform any amount of "mental gymnastics" to justify or ignore the leader's behavior. ( Look into the history of the Mormon church and how the members try to normalize it).
7. The group uses "thought reform" methods
You're probably in a cult if your serious questions are answered with cliches. (Every day, all day).
8. The group is elitist
If your group is the solution to all the world's problems, you're probably in a cult. ( Yes)
9. There is no financial transparency
Suppose you're not allowed to know what the group does with their money. In that case, you're probably in a cult. ( they hid a 100 Billion yes with a B fund from members and the world, then avoided IRS penalties by claiming it was church money, not from real estate investments, they are the wealthiest church in the world yet donate less than. 05% of their wealth annually.
10. The group performs secret rites
If there are secret teachings or ceremonies you didn't discover until after you joined, you're probably in a cult. ( Mormon temples are for "WORTHY" members only. They make a life oath not to reveal what goes on in there, or god will strike them down).
See, the church is a cult; it ruins families and is not a Christian organization as they would have you believe. Additionally, they are racist, misogynistic, patriarchal, homophobic, and exclusionary. They can be judged by their acts which are never good, in that they protect rapist murderers, and child molesters.
Answer: Obviously your question is not a question at all, but rather an attempt to mock the faith and beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The only appropriate answer to your "question" that I can think of is a few scriptural references: - Ether 12:26 - Proverbs 23:9 - Doctrine & Covenants 122:1