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The Law Society Act of Ontario Canada states that the Attorney General is the Guardian of the Public Interest. WHY has EVERY Attorney General of Ontario ALWAYS refused to act to fulfill their responsibilities?

13 (1) "The Attorney General for Ontario shall serve as the guardian of the public interest in all matters within the scope of this Act or having to do in any way with the practice of law in Ontario or the provision of legal services in Ontario, and for this purpose he or she may at any time require the production of any document or thing pertaining to the affairs of the Society."

Perhaps the Attorney General should explain why the Ontario Government has NEVER created an independent, impartial, unbiased, third party, arm's-length, non-lawyer, LEGAL OMBUDSMAN to PROTECT the PUBLIC?

The term "LEGAL MAFIA" was coined in the United Kingdom many years ago.
The UK did survey their population and found a great need for a "LEGAL OMBUDSMAN". Their findings and key points were –
1. ". The Law Society is more interested in protecting its members' interests than the public's"
2. ". The self-regulation of solicitors was failing consumers."
3. ". The establishment has taken on the role of protecting vested interests and was in collusion with the Law Society."

Top Complaints about lawyers / Percentage of respondents with complaint
Dishonesty / Fraud / Lying — 87%
Professional Misconduct (broke the rules) — 85%
They behaved unprofessionally — 79%
They gave inaccurate or incomplete information — 75%
Negligence (did not exercise reasonable skill or care) — 71%
Instructions were not followed / carried out — 63%
They were incompetent — 58%
They gave bad advice — 58%
They made mistakes in the work they did — 57%
They did not reply to your letters and/or phone calls — 53%
You were not treated respectfully — 52%
They did not keep you informed about the progress of your case — 52%
Excessive delays in handling your case — 50%
Other — 41%

Do Ontario Lawyers have a much higher standard of integrity than UK Lawyers?
Has the Ontario Government ever done a survey to determine the integrity and honesty of Ontario Lawyers? Write to the Ontario Attorney General and your own MPP and ask!

Date of experience: April 27, 2021