National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Slow loading pages
December 19, 2014

Slow loading pages. Very annoying when I get the never ending pop-up telling me to complete the, "survey," I have completed many times over.

Typical government website. High end cost, low end performance.

Way too much content crammed into the, "weather," website. Leave out the political hot button issues, i. E. Climate Change, or Peruvian garden slug preservation. Make a dang website for this stuff, I just want to know if I need to wear a ugly Christmas sweater or to carry a umbrella.

Date of experience: December 19, 2014
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They changed their maps to some extremely slow loading over complicated interactive thing that barely loads after > 1 minute (on FIOS Gigabit). Now they have completely removed the simple map interface which loaded in less than one second (on any device). I pay their salaries with my taxes and now I can't even access simple weather map information. If this is the future - I want nothing to do with it.
NOAA you are wasting tax payer money during a time when it is critical to keep thing working, thanks for being so reckless with our safety.

Date of experience: January 1, 2021
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Just incredible to see "official" science coming from government organizations. Unlike NOAA, I actually did study environmental science and then went to university to get my Environmental Science degree, where not one student read a single book about the science behind earth's climate. In fact, endless propaganda videos and brainwashing, anti-capitolism books were pumped into the soft heads of unsuspecting students. Carbon tax solidifies the future of oil (waaaaaay too much revenue to let green energy get in the way, or oceans would be lined with paddle wheels). That propaganda tax funds the unelected United Nations, New World Order government and the IPCC climate propaganda machine (IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), which have no scientists; just more policy makers... So what we really have here is a consensus of NWO policy makers hired to push the same NWO agenda. The real scientists, 30,000 of them, petitioned the White House, with no effect. The MSM fake new ignored them.

The trillionare families have brainwashed a generation of millenials. Watch this 13 min interview, by a very prominant Soviet defector to Canada, "ex KGB Yuri Bezmenov's Warning to America". Maybe I can link to it:

FYI you NOAA sellouts are selling the future of your kids to the gulags... Are you aware of this? Are you that ignorant? The truth is coming out about this very real, little ice age that Earth is experiencing now. C02 is plant food... Longer climate cycles are directly related to the sun - Whodathunk!

Date of experience: March 7, 2018