California Department of Insurance
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The Aspen American Insurance Company (AAIC), a tiny company (15 total employees across all of its locations) makes a huge profit (annual revenue above $10 million). But by what means? It insures almost all (from dental to fire, water damage, animals and other indemnities) and uses subcontractors since it has no experts in the related fields. As to the dental malpractice insurance, blindly copying the procedures of health care liability insurance companies, Aspen requires claimants to provide their dental records. Moreover, it requires "complete dental records," which nobody has. Dentists never ask previous dental records. Moreover, the Maryland law allows dentists to destroy records of elderly after 5 years. Other states have similar laws. This is a trick to deny a claim. Dealing with old and/or uninsured persons Aspen requires documents which impossible to get. This immoral strategy is based on the assumption that such person either would die or cannot afford a lawyer.
The only way to get a compensation for damages is to hire a lawyer and file a claim with a court. But, as a rule, the remaining award (after a lawyer's payment) cannot cover the amount needed to restore damaged elements. Poor persons suffer most. My case demonstrates the described above strategy of this company.
Although my case didn't require and additional documentation, I was forced to attend other dentists and make 3 panoramic films, a comprehensive evaluation and determination concerning the dental accident, necessary future treatment plan and costs. But this was not enough. Aspen required "complete dental records," which is impossible to get and which has nothing common with the accident.
Such companies as Aspen should be prohibited to insure the healthcare area.

Date of experience: November 20, 2020