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POS and corrupt
July 13, 2021

Will you be paying the property taxes, maintenance costs, and mortgages to all the landlords? You allowed tenants an opportunity to live in these properties rent free, amounting thousands of dollars in debt that they will never be able to repay. You have robbed landlords of their property rights by wiping your $#*! with the Constitution. You have lied, spit in the face of democracy, and wasted the people of this country's investments, time, and hard earned money. If this cluster f*ck of an organization operated with these tactics and thought processes as a private business and not a government funded money pit, employees would be in prison. I believe a 1 star review is too generous. The CDC deserves two middle fingers.

Date of experience: July 13, 2021
New Hampshire
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February 8, 2021

I find it odd how their Twitter reports/tweets contain the complete opposite of what the site claims. Too political. I trust no one, especially those whom can't seem to get their facts straight. Would think you'd be right on that considering you're literally the "center for disease control" -what does that even mean? Everything is studies/trials. You can't control what people do. We're not sheep! Plus the way you handled this was HORRIBLE! Everyone I know doesn't wear a mask so for the death count to be dropping is a bit odd? All about the money! You should be ashamed.

Date of experience: February 8, 2021
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The Mexicans and a million other illegal immigrants can have covid and are transported all over this country free of charge but if you are an American travelling with both vaccinations you are required to get a covid pcr test before returning to the United States. You must be tested with negative results within 72 hours of your flight.

Try that in Egypt! CDC totally sucks.

Date of experience: September 4, 2021
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As a doctor and pediatrician i've recently discovered the world of online medicine and government websites.
The CDC website provides helpful news, tips, and all around good stories about medical things in the modern world. Dying of the morb virus? The CDC has remedies and links provided to help you! I must say that this website has helped me get through colds and flus alike. If you need medical help, don't be afraid to reach out to the government i suppose!
Mike M. Jr. PhD.
Pediatrics PhD
Aspiring Inventor & Alchemist

Date of experience: July 25, 2022
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$#*! clowns
July 22, 2021

Dr Fauci more like Dr bull$#*!. You people need to pull your head out of your $#*!'s. It's funny how long you all have been studying cancer, aids/hiv and can't come up with a cure but all of a sudden a virus shows up and you can create a vaccine within months and expect everyone to get it. Get real. You first said these mask don't help or protect you. That they just make people feel safe. That this so called virus latches on to clothes, surfaces and other things but you want us to wear a face mask. How dumb can one be. You can't even keep up with half the bull$#*! you say or put out. People like you are misleading. Thousands of people die every year from the flu and no one bats an eye. You create fear to control the people of this country. Now everything has a stipulation forcing people into your bull$#*!. No vaccine, no go. What is this nazi Germany.

Date of experience: July 22, 2021
North Carolina
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August 6, 2021

This whole organization can't make up their minds, except that they love to force masks on people, which for me gives me terrible headaches. Well I decided to risk getting the vaccine so I could maybe do something to end the Covid pandemic. Well according to the CDC, the pandemic never ends and no matter what we do it's never good enough. I was told I could be a hero if I got vaccinated, but now the CDC is claiming that breakthrough infections are…common?! So I went from being a hero to being a superspreader? I ain't no superspreader! Make up your mind, CDC! And stop making me wear a face diaper! Let me live my life normally!

Date of experience: August 6, 2021
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In 2005 I had contracted whooping cough due to the vaccine wearing off. I had also gave it to my 7 week old daughter. I was told by an infectious disease doctor that the vaccine does wear off, but since both my daughter and I got whooping cough and survived we are immune for life from whooping cough. I read what the college educated idiot scientists from the cdc said about natural immunity wears off also. That is false! It seems that any infectious disease that upends their agenda about covid19 natural immunity has been rewritten. Don't believe me check it out for yourselves!

Date of experience: August 9, 2021
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October 13, 2022

When face masks were being worn you made it that people were to wear them all day when they go shopping, etc. There are people who think you are taking away their rights and were being very demanding when it came to the masks. People started not to wear masks even when they were told to by stores or when it was only vaccinated customers that did not have to wear one. Those that are not vaccinated said it was totally stupid to wear one and not the vaccinated. I think you need to be demanding to have unvaccinated people get the vaccine by a certain time frame or they will be fined. Thank you

Date of experience: October 13, 2022
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They misreported od thier guidelines for rx meds cause 30mil ppl w chronic pain to street drugs or suicide. Chronic illnesses 100+ cause chronic pain. Cant cure it but rx meds treat symptoms. Dea n gov overeach catastrophic. Spread the word please

Date of experience: October 29, 2018
New Jersey
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Killing Americans
April 19, 2022

You keep track to see how many deaths were caused by the hands of the doctors. Thank you for showing us your daily numbers. Can't wait till the truth comes out and your all caught

Date of experience: April 19, 2022

Overview has a rating of 2 stars from 20 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. ranks 103rd among Government sites.
