Federal Trade Commission - FTC

Federal Trade Commission - FTC

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Is it weird that I love the FTC? I sort of do =)

I feel like so much of the US Government is not really looking out for all us little people, but at least the FTC is trying, although they may not always succeed.

The FTC has a TON of good consumer info:

And for anyone who is policy nerd and like to read about Washington stuff, they even have things for you:

Date of experience: December 1, 2009
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Ask to use Anydesk privacy issue dont feel comfortable to share my phone screen when recipent can take over your phone and see whats on your phone, person on phone was very pushy which makes me trust less

Date of experience: September 5, 2023
79 reviews
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Very Helpful!
April 1, 2023

Anytime I have a problem with a business, the FTC and Consumer Protection Bureau is always there to help. They follow up and make sure that things get done correctly. Good Job!

Date of experience: March 31, 2023