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A useful tool
October 12, 2022

I used the new nutrition fact label service, where I get more detailed information about everything that is indicated on the "nutrition value" label. A useful tool to monitor healthy eating, especially when it is provided for children. Super.

Date of experience: October 11, 2022
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The US gov had made great strides in their online presence. Data is far more accessible than ever before. The site is fairly easy to use and contains a huge quantity of information that is easier to search through than one might expect.

Date of experience: December 5, 2012
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Report Review What the pharma companies don't want you to know, doctors report here on this government website. Black box warnings, adverse patient reports, side effects that no one ever talks about until you have them... the site can be difficult to navigate for some but digging a little deeper can bring up information that is less biased than the general public websites against medications/medical stuff.

Date of experience: August 14, 2009
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Thanks FDA. I used the suggestion that the main thing is an FDA pre-approved home diagnostic test for COVID-19. It is convenient because it allows you to self-test in a place convenient for you. Of course, I took into account the fact that diagnostic tests for COVID-19 are allowed for certain purposes. The main priority was that I was able to get certain and valid information at the moment. Thank you for a definite and truthful source.

Date of experience: August 20, 2022
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I was taking the drug Simvastatin made by Northstar drug Co. To lower cholesterol and it took the vision out of my left eye twice and left me with permanent vision loss. THERE WAS NOT ONE WORD ABOUT VISION or eye PROBLEMS IN MY ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS PAPER I GOT WITH THE MEDICATION. I contacted an Attorney to file suit against the drug maker and he told me that the FDA protects Generic drug makers from lawsuits PLUS ALLOWS THEM TO OMIT THE DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS OF THEIR DRUGS FROM THE PATIENT ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS PAPERS YOU GET WITH THE MEDICATION. I am now left with permanent vision loss and no course for compensation. The FDA is the entity that is supposed to protect the consumer from this kind of thing but they protect BIG PHARMA so they can sell their 'POISONS" CHEAPER and cause blindness, vision loss and death. The FDA should approve STREET DRUGS as they are far safer then what you get form the pharmacy as I have never heard of a street drug blinding someone.

Date of experience: November 20, 2019
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Well we all have been there-lines, lines, lines. Buearaucracy at its best. Oh add hours of time on hold to that

Date of experience: May 10, 2019