Basically the marketing department had a spot on idea 10(?) years ago. The days of entering 10 point codes for a free 12 pack, six month magazine subscriptions, Cedar Point tickets. Then somebody decided that THOSE lavish rewards were costing them too much money so they introduced the lotteries. Enter TEN codes for one entry, but still something tangible? It seems like Coke finds cash for operations value of $9.8 Billion and free cash flow of $8.7 billion too paltry of a sum. After all, Chairman of the Board/CEO needs a raise! That $17,623,796 will just not do! The COO coming in a distant second at $6,759,847. Those good ol' boys need raises! I feel like they should just say they are trash canning the program and be done with it...
I miss the old rewards when it was fun and exciting to get something for buying a certain brand or product. I have been saving caps thinking that they will read the consumer reviews and make some changes but clearly they could care less. So Dear Coke! I AM OUT!
The whole thing is very misleading now. They still print codes yet there are no benefits for us the consumer. It's just donating points and that's it. Not worth the time or effort for the amount the charities would get by doing that.
I have several hundred codes I've been hanging on to and accumulating hoping over the last few years that they would add some rewards like a free drink for example but nada -- nothing.
What a waste of counter space for the caps that have been collecting dust there.
The rewards program used to be a lot of fun, but it went from providing fun Coca Cola swag, to providing sweepstakes entries, to only providing charity donations (and I'm pretty sure that Coke takes the tax credit for the donations). I'm guessing they are going to donate to those groups anyways, so all you get for the time spent entering rewards is to direct which of 4 charities gets the money.
I am so incredibly disappointed with Coca Cola. They no longer reward their customers. Rather if you want to enter your codes you are forced to donate your rewards. To me it is a slap in the face as a customer. It seems to validate the "disposable" attitude in the world today.
Customers used to be able to buy products and enter products and be "rewarded" with gifts cards, movie tickets, etc for their efforts. You could also enter and bank your points for future "rewards". Wow! This program has gone way downhill. I won't be wasting my time saving the points or checking the site anymore. Not what I expect from a program that has been so great in the past.
There are no incentives to save your Coca-Cola codes, none at all because all your points no go to Charities on the official Coca-Cola website. I don't mind there being an option for giving all your hard-earned points to charity but how about an option to earn free stuff? It's not much to ask that a multi-billion dollar organization that knows to give its consumers of their products type 2 diabetes a chance for some cool swag. Please fire the guy that changed your site for the worse.
I enter the codes just to donate to the national parks. Not really sure who benefits here though as there is no accountability as to whether Coke actually donates what they say they do. Even if they do, the credit goes to Coke for the work that others do in entering the codes, not to mention the tax credits and marketing benefits Coke earns.
I used to do coke rewards, would get hats lunchbox, movie tickets, not bad, worth the time of punching in all the codes form each bottle cap. HOWEVER,,, since the pandemic all you can get is donations on behalf of CocaCola. I think donating to a worthy cause is awesome, but I would rather do it on my own! I will not be sitting there with bottlecap rewards for this! Coke stop giving lousy rewards, you make enough money! Make it worth your customers time to earn real rewards!
I don't mind the donations, I did it all the time but I love when there were prizes to go for. Now there is nothing, it not even worth it. And I also did the recycleables since I was doing the plastic but now, nope, it just goes into the regular trash. Thanks for ruining a good thing Coca Cola.
Answer: I still buy Coke products... but I've starting buying other brands and now split my Coke product purchases by 50%! If more customers did that, maybe Coke will wonder where their fizz went.
Answer: I'm not sure. I know prior to the change I was getting a lot of emails announcing they were updating the program with new rewards, etc. it seems like they either upped the points on my favorite rewards and/or put more restrictions on point submissions. "Update" seemed to actually mean "downgrade" the program.
Answer: They're arrogant and think that they are too big to fail.
MyCokeRewards has a rating of 1.6 stars from 386 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with MyCokeRewards most frequently mention new program, coca cola and gift cards. MyCokeRewards ranks 11th among Sweepstakes sites.