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Facebook? Twitter? No thank you. How about 276 shares of KO? How about a decades-long consumer who purchases overpriced 12-packs when they're not on sale? One who used to be called a loyal consumer with over 4000 points can now only redeem at "bronze" level, excuse me, bronze "status" because I don't live on social media? That's insulting and a shame. My status as a customer is determined if I tweet? How stupid! Do I buy more Coke or Cheerwine? Or RC Cola? THAT decision, of putting a carton of Cokes or someone else's drink into my grocery cart is what SHOULD drive a consumer loyalty program. MCR is supposed to be, or started as, a loyalty program. Coca-Cola, you've ventured too far off the path and have lost your orientation. I won't be voting as the board recommends next time - an upper management that tolerates (maybe even encourages?) the alienation of loyal consumers is not worthy of my support. Don't care for Pepsi but I own PEP too. Their shares over last 5 years have trounced KO. Maybe they treat their consumers better? Maybe I should find out...

Asked by J S. on 7/18/2015

6 Answers
Wm G.7/20/2015

I still buy Coke products... but I've starting buying other brands and now split my Coke product purchases by 50%! If more customers did that, maybe Coke will wonder where their fizz went.
Thomas B.7/20/2015

I've been 1 status point short of achieving Silver status for months now. If you don't betray your friends on Facebook or Twitter you never go anywhere Status-wise. I know MCR is a marketing program but it is also a rewards program for buying the product, and that aspect of it has been crippled by the forced social media addition.
Mary S.7/19/2015

Boy did you nail this one... this rewards program is an absolute disgrace as is all the idiotic social media.
Pamela A.7/19/2015

I have created an online petition regarding this very issue. I am posting the link to as many people as possible. Each signature will generate a message to Coca-Cola. I am hoping this will have an effect.
Nancy R.7/19/2015

I heartily agree with your observations! What is Coca Cola thinking?
Fran M.9/13/2015

I am and took so long to be convinced to sell some of my Coca Cola stock, as well. This is a symptom of the overall company that my family and I adored!..

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