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1 review
11 helpful votes

A major screw up at Coke
July 4, 2017

Wow, your company really screwed up. I can only hope that someone at Coke are reading

These comments and forwarding over to someone important at coke so they realize what

Is going on. This is as big as when you went from the old coke to the new the coke

Formula years ago... remember that backlash. Look and read all those unhappy

Comments from your loyal customers including me and think about the thousands of

Loyal customers who are not taking the time to post how disappointed and unhappy they

Are with this new program. I visited this facebook page to see what people were saying

And it did not surprise me to read and see all of this. You said that you listened to your

Loyal customers and you made changes to my coke rewards to make it even better. That

Can not be true based on these comments posted. Somebody made a bad decision on

This change. It used to be you could enter up to 200 points a week and then it went

Down to 75 points a week... that was dumb. Then you started this Status thing with

Different categories like Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc and linking your Twitter, Facebook

Accounts... that was not a good idea for people who did not use Facebook or Twitter.

Why have people jump thru hoops to earn points or to gain access to a different

Category of rewards. That was dumber and at least you realized that and ended that.

Now you did this to your rewards program and this is the dumbest of all. I had 14,000

Points on My Coke rewards and when found out program was coming to an end I quickly

Redeemed my points for $100 Amazon Gift Card, a Target Gift Card, entered thousand of

Points in the sweepstakes, etc.and with all the points I entered in the sweepstakes you

Would think my odds were good but nothing. Who know who wins, they do not publish

It. I got so many points because I own a restaurant and serve your product. It was nice

For your customers to collect points to earn a $10 Amazon Gift Card, Walmart Gift Card,

Target Gift Card or other neat Gifts, etc. You ruined a good thing. I am not going to

Collect codes to enter them sweepstakes for a long shot at winning something and feel

Your customers feel the same way. Like I said before, I entered a lot of my points to use

Up and got nothing. I may become a Pepsi drinker now. Consider bringing back the old MCR

Before you see your sales slide a little and your stock goes down as a result of this.

Date of experience: July 4, 2017