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North Carolina
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Recently, I received a prescription for a change in my no-line bifocals. I went into the building that is connected to the Doctor's office to find out the cost of a new pair of glasses with Transitions lenses. I nearly fell over when the clerk quoted me a price of $650.00! When I mentioned that I wanted to keep my current frames, she said they were out of date, and would not be able to cut lenses to fit. I did not tell her that I had planned to get my glasses from LENS FACTORY. I just wanted to compare prices.

The cost of my new glasses was $173.00! I do not know about you, but I can think of better things to do with a savings of over $525.00 ($650.00 + 48.00 tax)! The glasses are wonderful. They are mailed back with a terrific hard case, packed well in a sturdy box. Their website is available on the internet. Customer service is very good at addressing any questions.

Date of experience: September 5, 2016