Good heat, but not evenly distributed. Rearranging and turning food is extra annoying step.
Additional HIGH price for pan and grill, and they don't even join together, really annoying to retrieve and turn. Bad design, and monopolistic pricing. And no handle, gripper for grabbing and turning.
My experience in ordering the grill cover was simple, fast and easy. I wish they would make a stainless steel grill plate for the Boulder. I like the cast iron but it's a little heavier for me to use. Stainless steel option would be nice.
Personally, I bought a cover for a portable pizza oven I got as a gift for Christmas. The cover is nice, but the oven is Great! The pizza coming out of it is fantastic. It does take some practice (Oh, darn, more pizza making) to understand how to get and keep it the right temperature, etc. It's small, and a little more finicky than a big pizza oven is, but that' the point. The one true negative I would point out is the handle on the front. The front "door" balances, but barely. I'm planning on making a new handle that curves down to the surface to keep the door in place better, as if it falls when you're not looking, you can dump a lot of heat that takes time to get back.
I bought a Gyber Dutton. Fast shipping and great product. Cook steak within 5 minutes. 2.5 minutes on both sides and you get a really good medium-rare steak.
Easy to use. Heavy and Sturdy, well built. Surface is smooth and free from imperfection. Easy to clean and less sticking.
Shopping was pretty simple. Some of the descriptions could have been a little better.
Shopping was pretty simple. Some of the descriptions could have been a little better.