Never buy anything from this company. They are cheating with their buyers. At first they accept money but when the shipping time they send empty packets. But they claim they sent everything correctly.So be careful.
This company operates as Suzhou Yunbo packaging and trades on Alibaba platform.
This company operates under different names and emails as below:
We made a large purchase from this company in June of 2020 on Alibaba with trade assurance assuming we'll be protected if something went wrong.
We were so wrong about the assumption. The supplier did not give all the boxes to the shipping company that went to pick up the boxes from the destination. It then said on Alibaba that the shipping company didn't pick the boxes.
Wait - what? If they are supposed to give the boxes and they didn't give the boxes to shipping company - Why are they blaming the shipping company that the boxes were not picked?
They admitted that 7 boxes were missed as part of the consignment but here's what it gets bad. They claim that the boxes that were shipped were of $1960 and are willing to refund that amount. However, this is incorrect because they are admitting to wrong product - we only had small shortage on that product and bulk of shortage was on high value product amounting to $2650. So once again - they are lying on what was shipped. Needless to say - they provided no evidence that the high value items they claimed were shipped.
We had more than a dozen boxes that are damaged and incorrectly label.
Their packaging slip is one for the history books - the worst packaging slip - it does not provide breakdown the color and neck size of the sprayers - they lumped everything in one line - "sprayers - 216,000 count"
Look at some of the boxes we received.