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I'm very satisfied...
September 30, 2016

More than satisfied, actually; as I have been using Vuze since I 1st started using Torrents (some years ago) and I like STILL am learning all the nuances of this app. If only they told you how to upgrade/leapfrog app versions (e.g. Reg. To PRO) w/o loosing all your torrents AND all of the associated data files which derive from the torrents...(!)

Date of experience: September 28, 2016
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Vuze is absolutely amazing, it tends to find what you search for very easily, and is mostly (Even when searching for programs and games) Virus/Malware Free. However, it's download speed is quite slow, and recently, vuze decided to cut out from the search group list. Which has drastically reduced the amount of results you get (From 100,000 to 10 or 100). Vuze can give Copyright-free software, however if you want to stay legal, then you should look up whether the program's or video's Copyright has run out or not. I will not lie. I don't bother, However I normally end up downloading archaic games who's copyright ran out sommwhere between 2001-2006. I believe you should be able to trust the downloads you get as I have only ever found one faulty download, which was not malware but just a corrupt file that was missing half of it's scripting.

Date of experience: April 5, 2011
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I knew it was too good to be true. I paid to down load some movies and the next thing you know my Internet provider turned off my Internet. I called them and explained that I had paid money for the use. My Internet was turned back on and I got a refund, but it was an illegal site. If it sounds to good to be true than beware!

Date of experience: April 14, 2012
New Hampshire
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Vuze, like any other peer to peer software if used correctly is an amazing software. It is not for the beginners so I would recommend first time users to try the easier software available first before using this one. It is only illegal if you use it as such so there are tons and tons of stuff you can do with Vuze that are perfectly within the law to have a great time with it. I would recommend it to anyone to use and not be afraid to.

Date of experience: August 25, 2014
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Beware, I have been using Vuze a while ago in the past and hadn't heard about them in a long time until they suddenly and quietly charged my PayPal account to my surprise a few days ago without any notification from beforehand. I had no PayPal subscription or recurring payments with them, I wonder how they have been able to charge my account but fortunately I was able to claim a refund after PayPal's investigation that the payment was unrightfully obtained. Charging people for an annual fee without warning them from beforehand, that should be illegal. Beware of this sneaky business that will grab your money behind your back. Although I emailed them right after the transfer, I did not yet receive any response which made me to post my experiences here.

Date of experience: October 2, 2014
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Malware warning
October 20, 2015

When I downloaded and opened Vuze my computer went crazy. I got 113 pieces malware despite having the paid version of MalawareBytes and the paid version of Norton Security. The security/malware software was able to remove all but one of the viruses. Beware!

Date of experience: October 20, 2015
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This is my second attempt trying to adjust to Vuze, hoping there would be improvements. However, it's not much different. This is by far the worse electronic cig I have ever tried. First, the cartridges DO NO last very long. My first try, I had a cartridge that did not even work; took it back to the store I purchased it from; the owner said he would give it to his supplier for a possible refund. Until this day (5 months has passed) and no refund.

You have to really draw hard just to feel a hit; then that awful burning in your throat is terrible. Vuze dries out your throat causing you to want to drink lots of water. It also creates a horrible film like gunk in your throat/chest causing you to have to cough really hard and intense just to get that junk out.

The cartridges (2) I purchased 2 days ago ar already empty.

I am currently using Green Smoke which is a little more costly than Vuze (3 cartridges) however, the cartridges will last me almost 2 weeks used at a more consistency than I have used the Vuze, also the battery last at least three times longer.

I definitely will be staying with Green Smoke, doesnt burn nor dry out your throat.

Date of experience: March 23, 2016
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Of course, Vuze, like Adobe, has "updates" every few weeks to give the user a chance to accidentally install pay for click software. Adobe has Mcaffee. Vuze you need to click customize, uncheck offers and toolbar, then skip another offer, etc. This is all ok (not great since it is sneaky) but understandable for a free program. However, this latest update seems to have malware attached. My spyware monitor went crazy the first night about 4-5am after installing the update - over and over it blocked unauthorized access inbound from an IP address linked to Vuze. Exe. Finally, rebooting my computer to clear out the problem. Finding my computer rebooted was a clue (I do not allow automatic updates, nor have tasks scheduled). It is time to find another torrent handler. Optional adware is one thing, trying to attack my computer when I sleep is over the line.

Date of experience: March 26, 2015
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I continue to purchase and receive Vuse refill cartridges that do not work, and only flash red when I try to use them, is there a department I can call to get a refund?

Date of experience: March 9, 2016
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If anyone can make sure bittorrents stay somewhat legal and mainstream it will probably be this company. They use the Azureus client and tried to make it more social which was a great idea as that way people can know which torrents are safe for downloading. You see people can put all sorts of viruses in what gets downloaded and someone may be looking for a movie to download or software and end up with a virus that hijacks their computer. It is pretty much impossible to tell which torrents are good and which are bad, but vuse is social and can give the user some direction. I won't even go in to the entire debate about legal issues revolving vuze let's just say you can end up downloading hollywood movies in minutes and you can see why it is so debatable. Vuse itself is very legal and if a content provider has a problem they can contact vuse legal which clearly says on their site "Vuze respects the rights of copyright holders and publishers and requires all users to confirm they own the copyright or have permission from the copyright holder to upload content. We comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and promptly remove content when properly notified. Repeat infringers' content is removed and their accounts are restricted or terminated from accessing our service." I'm sure all of those kids downloading Harry Potter really do have an extra copy of it upstairs in their bedroom they just can't seem to find.

Date of experience: February 7, 2011


Vuze has a rating of 2.4 stars from 14 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Vuze ranks 3rd among File Sharing sites.
