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Great BBQ website. Devoted to all kinds of BBQ enthusiasts. Great recipes for sauces and rubs too. I watch the show they run on TV with Steve Raichlen. I find his style to be very peaceful and informa... read more
Online preschool games and activities, movies, family life. Dora, Diego, The fresh beat band, kai-lan, team umizoomi... My wife and our child love it. read more
I went to the site and what do I see well I saw. Peppa pig a show mhm and it did not play so it scamed me out of happness. :/ read more
Nothing loads. It's a massive pain to use and any time I try to reload the site because it froze AGAIN, I get more ads. And of course, the ads load fine but the episode doesn't. Sucks that I can't wat... read more
I was watching it today they showed about 2 minutes of show went to 4 minutes of commercials so they were showing more commercials than the actual show... how do these channels like this survive. I ch... read more
Well, I guess I'm not the only one who can't open the shows I specifically went there to see. It takes me nowhere. And the "contact us" isn't a contact route at all. It just posts your question for so... read more
Vuse is basically bittorrent for the masses. It allows one to search for all sorts of files ranging from movies to software like games. The free version is great and the paid version includes a virus ... read more
I didn't know much about Marvel characters, so I didn't know to answer all my nephew's questions. That's why I reached out to Fiction Horizon guys and they were nice enough to help me out. Thanks, guys! read more
Often just navigating to this page I get pop ups alerting me of spyware for Microsoft and given a number to call. read more
You're better off spending your time making up your own mind rather than entertaining the ideas of these 'authors' read more
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