File Sharing:
105 businessesI've been using this website for dating for a few months now and I have to say that it's the best online dating website I've ever used. There's something about the website that makes it easy to find s... read more
Image Venue looks to get the best quality image so come get the best of the Image related activities. Its from here that you can best of image that will satistfy. read more
Went here to view a shared photo on Web sire generated popup that told me my computer was infected with a porn virus with an official looking message from microsoft and a toll free number t... read more
I always use this site to download books! But DONT BE FOOL BY THE SPONSOR LINK and for premium membership.
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Vuse is basically bittorrent for the masses. It allows one to search for all sorts of files ranging from movies to software like games. The free version is great and the paid version includes a virus ... read more
Often just navigating to this page I get pop ups alerting me of spyware for Microsoft and given a number to call. read more
Amazing Usenet search engine with good blog, 2000 newsgroups and 11 million nzb files read more
I knew it was too good to be true. I paid to down load some movies and the next thing you know my Internet provider turned off my Internet. I called them and explained that I had paid money for the us... read more is a decent search engine for the files that are hosted on the one click networks such as hotfile, rapidshare, megaupload... etc. The design is OK and there are no annoying adverts. read more