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I bought this Nike Air Jordan 4 Retro a couple of days ago, and I must say they are splendid. At first, I thought they might not be genuine due to the price, but when I got them, it was a whole other world. They turned out to be really good!

Date of experience: July 28, 2023
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If you are looking for a new video conversion software, dvd burning, or pretty much anything you should check here first to see what they have for download. Most are just trial versions but at least you can see whether it works for you or not.

Date of experience: October 18, 2010
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Flat out, the BEST site for any sort of download.

All programs/software have been tested to be spyware/virus free so you can be assured you are safe when downloading anything. Also, pay attention to the reviews for the program you are about to download.

Watch out though, as quite a few programs are trials only, so be sure to not waste you time, look for the free ones! If you need protection for your computer, this is the place to go!

If you find my review helpful, please send me a Thank You and rate it!

Date of experience: April 15, 2010
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Terrible!, stay away from cnet / they now include malware on every download, and it fills your browsers with pop-ups, advertising, new homepages, extentions, etc... over 15 ad programs that are impossible to remove. I had to reset my mac to original settings and add again all usual software one by one... I cant believe they are doing this, but its well documented and there are lawsuits ongoing for this terrible practice...

Date of experience: December 10, 2014
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Not worth it
December 17, 2015

I've watched this site since the turn of the century. In the last ten years this site became a mecca for destroying your PC. In the list of their top 10 downloads half is almost always destructive to your PC. They are loaded with bundled junkware, PUP's, and malware. The positive reviews look like the spam reviews that are being placed by paid companies to hide the bad reviews. Don't believe it? Look up's article on downloading the top 10 from It will literally show you exactly the subversive garbage that is out there and how these companies become breeding grounds for browser hijackers, and potential hacker playgrounds.

Date of experience: December 17, 2015
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Report Review used to be a reliable and good web site where you could find tons of good shareware and freeware. I am surprised to find that it has become a site that has completely compromised its integrity for the almighty dollar. I mean sure make some money with ads but how many people are savvy enough to click all the correct Decline/don't make suchandsuch web site my new homepage? We have enough malware without this web site making all its offerings into essentially malware.

Date of experience: March 23, 2015
25 reviews
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If you love software treasure-hunting, is the site for you! This massive and well-rounded collection of shareware (try-before-you-buy) and freeware (totally free software) is fully searchable and sortable. And there's no wait for a package in the mail: download it NOW, install it, and take it for a test drive!

Date of experience: April 19, 2013
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February 11, 2023

Shipping is fast They're using it if they need to do the exercises. It's better because it's three-step adjustable, heating and vibration. I'm trying to buy two, and I like them.

Date of experience: February 9, 2023
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April 25, 2014

DOWNLOAD.COM - my personal view.
WARNING - DON'T ever use this website - STAY AWAY!
It's full of malware and crap, which is installed in 7 easy steps (as of April 2014). Unfortunately I accepted the 1. Step. Even though I still had 6 steps to go, this single acceptance was enough for the malware/crap to enter my PC. Luckyly my Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 detected the malware/crap and stopped it.
But I had to restart my PC and it took a long time as a awful lot of settings needed to be reset. I'm currently scanning my Pc to see if everything is in order.

Date of experience: April 25, 2014
24 reviews
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This is a massive and well-rounded collection of shareware (try-before-you-buy) and freeware (totally free software) is fully searchable and sortable.

Date of experience: May 16, 2013

Overview has a rating of 3.7 stars from 19 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. ranks 3rd among Freeware sites.
