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US Government's website, actually pretty good - When I think of the US government's website I think of slowly-loading, convoluted pages filled with links to text filled documents and pdf files. And certainly, there is still some of that. But I have to say, when playing with the website the other day, I was pretty impressed. It's easy to use and fast.

Some interesting links on finding a job, also the always-fascinating secret service, and the all-important Federal Government contact us page. All in all, I must say, I like our government's website.

Date of experience: October 11, 2008
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This is the worst job site on the internet. Would not upload my Resume after hours of work. It says 5000 characters and it's a total lie. Lost all my work when uploading because of characters, not only that the job I wanted to apply for disappeared from the listing of jobs. Something needs to be done about this horrible site. This site ruins future careers, and there should be class action lawsuits. Investigation should be done.

Date of experience: June 5, 2019
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Fourth of JULY!
July 3, 2010

Fourth of JULY! Check it out here; The site gives you the full history of the fourth of july as well as the usual government... be safe with fireworks lines. The site really is a good portal for many different things. Check it out

Date of experience: July 3, 2010
West Virginia
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I feel over the years the US government has gotten horrible and it's more about the Government than the American people. I remember a time when the advage family can live comfortably when groceries was affordable gas was at a great price and people was more happier. Today it feels like it's gotten so bad that the American people lost fate and hope in the US government and now we have to fend for ourselves this is the reason I refuse to vote today because we are not voting for a change for good we are voting for 4 more years of lies and bull. Want to fix the problems facing the US today bring back the ways when the American people had faith and hope in the US government

Date of experience: August 19, 2023
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Unless you are military, or ex-military… spouse of, then don't bother. Over 209 applications, only 2 interviews. Overqualified for most positions I apply for.

Date of experience: April 10, 2023
New York
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Updated review. There really isn't a fool proof way about all of this because humans are unpredictable and terrifying. And there are moments of beauty but this is far outweighed by terrifying $#*!.

Date of experience: August 28, 2021
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Lawless USA?
October 25, 2023

USA is a terrible and lawless country. Will target children too. Let gang cheater cheat money and woman and kill people especially newcomers. Very skilful bypass school attack children. Then use the church to sweet cheat for peace. Even say your country do it by let the Hong Kong gang movie star Lautakwah sex woman from HK to USA. Finally kill people in Cupertino, CA mormom church. Those mix in church co-criminal now beautify gang Lautakwah and even attack back by say not good people will not kill by gang Lautakwah group.
USA government just cover 'professional crime" by control media. Don't let comment publize and for people to discuss. Very terrible! Beautify crimes. USA government CA medical board say don't bother them set free gang eye doctor Eric Shieh damage patient eye. So now make more people blind by posion eye drop. Same practice as gang eye doctor Eric Shieh. Those gang doctor say they can use mind kill people. Everyone knows, they kill many old people. The government report say coronavirus is natural. Actually it involves bad management and gang doctor make people sick and die and lifetime side effect.The government call those doctor as political doctor.Die million US and many post side effect, no one care and discuss.
Capitol riot is different, politican life is matter. This time, law is bigger than politic. They just refer you to church for peace. 'Need a more capable country!'

Date of experience: October 25, 2023