California Secretary of State

California Secretary of State

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For Californians, this is the site where you can register to vote. I know it's easy to forget to register, or think it's too much trouble to vote, but I think we're all made better off when we vote. Not only do our votes count, but it encourages us to stay up on civic issues (how's our society doing, who's running things, and how can we help?) and it puts pressure on other people to vote too (my friends are all voting, I should probably vote too).

This site is super-easy to use. It takes about 5 minutes to fill out the voter registration form, and you can always vote absentee if you don't feel like going anywhere.

Date of experience: October 7, 2010
21 reviews
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Registering to vote is so important to our democracy. I don't understand how anybody could not love a site that enables you to register to vote. I vote in every election and the gubernatorial election is so important to the future of California that it is critical that you vote. In order for you to vote, you need to register first.

Date of experience: October 7, 2010
North Carolina
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CA Secretary of State office was contacted by me initially by phone. It took patience, phone lines are busy. I spoke with a courteous lady whom heard my concerns which involved my knowledge of errored & fraudulent documents being filed with the business registration division. Individuals attempting to embezzle & obtain realestate by false pretense using stolen property right records, quite claim deeds, granting properties to unregistered LLCs & DBAs. She was unable to assist but suggested I contact an attorney.

Date of experience: August 29, 2022