The Daily Beast

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New Jersey
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Horrifically biased click-bait site. I would be hard pressed to find anything pertaining to objective reporting, or an accredited writer that could slap two sentences together without the hyperbole of an angry 16 year old on Twitter. There is no news. This is their formula:

1. Throw a dart at a board full of anything Republican, right wing, conservative, or not-left-extremist
2. Not investigate any of the details but rather pick the opposing view to the extreme
3. Write it out like you're reviewing a punk rock concert
4. Give it a catchy title that will attract young, impressionable youth to read the title, but not look any further.
5. Give it some wild claims further down for the idiots who are now young adults and still believing this is reality
6. Post it under "News"
7. Rinse and repeat.

Date of experience: November 22, 2021
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Please do yourself a favor and don't fill your brain with this garbage. You can't hire writers, editors, and investigators who have been bought and sold by the Deep state to give you both side of anything.

Date of experience: March 27, 2022
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Gonzalo Lira has dissapeared and probably been arrested by the ukrainian secret police. Days prior The Daily Beast wrote a horrible one sided piece on him. They can be proud of themselves. I wouldnt be able to life with myself knowing this.

Date of experience: April 19, 2022
West Virginia
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I thought that National Enquirer was a bad publication, but man oh man, these people top it off! How do people even read this? Your bias has to be on another level to able to confirm it reading this garbage. This is extremely detrimental to our society, we need to get rid of publications like this. We are supposed to believe now that if democrats lose in 2022 it isn't due to bad public policy, corruption, extreme views or plain old a total disconnect from what the masses want, no, it's because Putin interfered in the elections! Give me a break! Who believes this doodoo?

Date of experience: April 12, 2022
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March 6, 2023

The Daily Beast is the king of media "disinformation" as it pushes an extremely progressive narrative under the guise that they are presenting news. The fact that so many read and believe it as if it were the Gospel is a sad comment on the culture of today's society.

Date of experience: March 6, 2023
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February 2, 2024

Gotta tell ya.
When it comes to a waisted online journalistic experience, The Daily Beast is less than a waist of time.
For the fact that if your gonna go online with any type of story, at least the hell make it a readable article, not some kinda whore $#*! experience where one is left at the end of road in a Pay To Play Situation.
Cuz I gotta tell Ya, there is much much very more free journalism on line that literally smokes The Beasts article from hour to hour.
If I want to pay to read I'll throw my money at real writer journalists, no some off the skid's garbage $#*! rag.
See ya

Date of experience: January 31, 2024
South Carolina
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When I feel bad about myself, I just think about all the people that read The Daily Beast. I have no idea how this is a legitimate media outlet. It's the real life news equivalent to the radio stations in GTA; if I didn't know better I'd think it was satire. Nonetheless, I'm sure readers of The Daily Beast enjoy sounding out the headlines between the breaks they take to clean the drool off of their chins.

Date of experience: March 6, 2023
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Just read my 1st thing put out by the daily beast what a piece of garbage. Your staff needs to learn what class is. Michelle Obama wore some nice things but for the most part she was pretty frumpy. You didn't mention Hillary but she was a fashion disaster. Jill Biden knows how to dress like a lady and although once in a while her clothes make you say what is up with that outfit for the most part she looks great. You did fail us by not mentioning how our vice president who always looks like crap and wouldn't know how to dress nice if she tried. Mrs. Desantis wore what was appropriate for a motorcycle ride and she dresses nicely and appropriately. She is a pretty woman and looks good in whatever she throws on.Melonia trump was a total show stopper in anything she wore. You sounded like a woman who could only dream about looking half as nice as mrs. Desantis or mrs.Trump.

Date of experience: July 10, 2023
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I read an article about the terrible plane crash that occurred in VA on Sunday. The title is "Crashed Plane Behind D.C. Chaos Owned by Big-Time MAGA Donor Couple". How pathetic? These people lost their daughter, 2yr old grand daughter, nanny & pilot, and all you care about is what party they donate too, & if they support the NRA? Shame on you, Daily Beast!

Date of experience: June 5, 2023
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Should be investigated
January 15, 2024

Daily Beast had notified the Ukrainian government where to find journalists Gonzalo Lira who was incarcerated and died from illness.
I'm tired of so called Americans leaving Americans behind and even worse yet informing a dictator where to find a journalist that is critical of the Ukrainian government's situation.

Date of experience: January 15, 2024


The Daily Beast has a rating of 1.8 stars from 76 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with The Daily Beast most frequently mention and fake news. The Daily Beast ranks 94th among Politics sites.
