Salon has yet to get beyond their clear bias and actually point anything factual. You're worse than CNN and that's saying a lot. You should close down your garbage site since you have very few actual readers and the majority of Americans know you're full of bs.
It's interesting that this is considered "news" by Google and Facebook, because it's anything but. Republicans/conservatives/anyone even remotely holding a right-leaning opinion is evil, a conspiracy theorist, uneducated, and a bad human being. If you don't hold a far left enough opinion, then you are also part of the "problem". The writers blame anything they don't like on racism and/or white people (or other -isms, but usually racism) without providing any evidence justifying their claims. The Huffington Post has much more articulate left-wing propaganda pieces if you want to consume biased news without any independent or critical thought.
Solon media is a corrupt cult of lying Marxist pig dogs that misleads American women. 70% of Americans no this 30% are naive and are too lazy to research or its just plain stubborn stupidity. They do not realize that The Biden Administration is made up of Marxist Communist that want to destroy America. I never was employed and would advise anyone considering involvement with Solon to take a step back and do some research.
You want to be critical of Hallmark. At least, it's not a trashy, graphic, demonic, etc channel.
So many channels tear down people, values, morals, etc.
Why don't you work at improving some of the TRASH shows & channels?
I no use for anything that you have to say.
Every article that comes up on my phone from is a complete and total fabrication. Nothing i have read has been the truth. It is a complete joke. Nothing but trash and laughing at them. Its quite sad.
No integrity, a childish tone in every article, it's like a bunch of half-witted community college kids turning in half baked essays. For anyone who actually might take those gossip girls seriously, Salon is plain dangerous and toxic. And to the writers at Salon, read some Orwell if you want to understand exactly what kind of villains you are.
I picked four random articles from the site which started with "intriguing headlines." All of them lacked credible content from known experts or even cited sources. They pander to the dumbest of Internet goers who will gladly absorb what they read at face value and not go further into the topic to gather facts. How are they still making money? Are they?
Sorry I was $#*!ing brainwashed by the extreme, one sided, leftist news site that is probably written by libtard college kids that were brainwashed and are trying to brainwash you. Salon has never even told us that conservatives are remotely decent because they are. And, if republicans were like how salon describes them, we would kill them all and murder them in public but guess what? They arent because salon is liberal biased trash, and pretty much a progressive infowars.
Right in the face of actual fact, Salon tries hard to save the left from hanging themselves, after the trap door opened and the neck snapped.
They believe their own lies so much as if the corpse is gonna come back to life and prove them right.
Absolutely one of the worste sites.
It's hard to see what they are trying to accomplish except to sow even more discontent. America is by no means perfect, but Salon finds a way to make absolutely everything that happens in America seem like the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the planet! It spews so much negativity that it actually sounds like most of the articles are written by Russian (and other "bad actor" state) trolls. At best, they are what the SVR and GRU refer to as "useful idiots".
Salon has a rating of 1.3 stars from 43 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Salon most frequently mention and fake news. Salon ranks 100th among Politics sites.