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If you've kept up on your share of social media news, Digg used to be the king of content back a few years back. Things have since dramatically changed, but for the worse. The site has lost its spark.

Date of experience: June 13, 2011
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Follow Steve H.
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I've tried to like digg over the years mostly because it seemed like a neat and novel site early on. Unfortunately, it consistently strikes me as juvenile and so biased I've never been able to fully embrace it or take it seriously. I hardly use it anymore. I check it out still occasionally, only to be reminded why I stopped using it.

Date of experience: May 27, 2012
Samuel P.
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The new version of has absolutely crippled the website. The functions that made it a legitimate source of information have been removed and the website now prominently features articles from sources that pay to have them featured on the website, which has been a prominent theme of argument between and it's users.

It's difficult to navigate with the new design and is definitely starting to lose traffic when you compare the number of "diggs" that a story would get to be featured on the front page compared to months ago. Overall, the variety of articles and quality has gone down significantly and other services provide a better service. May be useful from time to time, but mostly annoying.

Date of experience: September 23, 2010
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While digg has gone though many changes, i still love it just as much as I ever did. I never bother reading the newspaper or even Time magazine anymore, everything I really need to know about comes though digg!

Date of experience: October 9, 2010
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I am not sure what about now but it was clearly very good website basically about anything being done on that matter absolutely. How do you want to get it back entirely...? I do not see that anyway on many many matters.

Date of experience: April 15, 2020
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Follow Todd L.
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Everyone keeps bashin poor digg for their design change but I think it is better now that the power doesn't seem to rest in the hands of a few powerful elite digg members. Now we all can more or less contribute to the site and hope to get our content seen on the homepage.

Date of experience: October 11, 2010
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Follow Christopher D.
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Report Review is a great website to post links to things over the internet for other users to digg. The more "diggs" it gets the more views the links get. I think this is a great way to spread the word of blogs or websites and get them more views each time you update or add something new. All this does is help, this is why I am a big fan of

Date of experience: August 7, 2010
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I am giving digg a full heart but I think reddit is still a little bit better. I use both but I think reddit has a little more fresh content and it seems less controlled by a few power users. Still digg is a great site and nothing has seemed to be able to replace it.

Date of experience: October 12, 2010
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Digg isn't the same as it used to be - A couple years ago, I was on Digg all the time. Great little community, interesting articles on tech. Now, it's just a mess. There are so many spammers, top 10 lists, McCain bashing (which I'm fine with, but there's so much of it), and other crap, it's not really much fun anymore, and it makes me sad to think about it Frown

Date of experience: October 1, 2008
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Like digg website so much, can make different countries friends, and also can refuse the people you won't want to add. And some small games are interesting for playing.

Date of experience: May 3, 2013


Digg has a rating of 3.6 stars from 16 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Digg ranks 3rd among Politics sites.
