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Aggregated site that delivers alternative, anti-war, anti-imperialist, Big Brother perspectives on American domestic and foreign policy issues, as well as world affairs. I am a free-thought junky and this happens to be a daily stop for me.

Site is entirely run by a single individual and is supported, financially that is, by visitors whom find common cause in the propagation of thought provoking information.

Beyond entertaining ICH succeeds in collecting the zeitgiest below the veneer of our corporate dominated lives. And, perhaps, more importantly, it has come to be a trading post or marketplace for ideas that are rarely, if ever, seriously raised and/or debated on the slick shrill, round-the-clock prop-o-tainment.

Date of experience: August 17, 2011
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The fund raising seem's to be a cover, for it's real backer, Russia! They seem to have a clear, 100% hand's off Russia, Putin and any of Russia's interest's policy! Many of it's author's are well known (american) traitor's to the u.s. a, and very pro russian and the rest seem nothing more than either russian state propagandist seeking to "sow discord" here and some maybe just on russia's payroll! Either way just look at the current and past articles and it will be clear their agenda! You wont find anything about it's russian connections on the web, as i've already checked but it's clear to any1 with a brain and eyes, whom doesnt come to the site, because they hate the U. S, but if you let them brainwash you, you just might in a short period of time, thats how propaganda works! Just check for yourselve's!

Date of experience: January 16, 2021
13 reviews
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I discovered this site recently and it's part of my daily news feed now. Straight-talking analysis of the evils being done by the Empire (US-UK-Israel-Saudi alliance essentially).

If you have any conscience or moral intelligence left, give this site a look.

Watch the youtube video posted on the webiste entitled "Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine". It's an excellent commentary on the real USA, and by extension the kind of hubris exercised by its allies in Europe and the Middle East.

Date of experience: August 13, 2018
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Real News Site
March 22, 2018

First the good:
This site has been going for many years. It collects news articles from around the web and publishes them for you to read all in one place. These articles are from a wide variety of alternative news sources and generally free of propaganda and lies. So not the sort of thing you're going to find on the likes of CNN, Fox News etc. There are opinions by well reputed writers and journalists such as Noam Chompski, John Perkins and many others. Comments are posted by readers who are generally very well informed, articulate and are well worth reading.
Now the bad:
The site moderator has recently begun to remove many comments that he doesn't like rather than those that simply break the rules, e.g. rude and obscene etc. He has blamed outside hackers from deleting comments but this seems to be just a cover for his over jealous prohibition. Also, comments are disabled for a select few writers, e.g. Paul Craig Roberts. Finance is by way of fund-raising but it is not made clear how much they wish to raise and where the money goes. Some people, including myself will not contribute under these circumstances. It is suspected that some writers benefit from the funds. Any comments about fund-raising have been deleted.
In summary, the site delivers good content but needs to improve it's Nazi-type comment removals and open up about its finances.

Date of experience: March 22, 2018
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Freedom and Liberty
April 28, 2022

If you want to find credible news reporting without the Monetarism Capitalism Propaganda... have a look.

Date of experience: April 28, 2022