For years now the Huffington Post continues to set itself apart from it's far left outlets as the most biased and untrue outlet. Their comfort lever with not slanting information, but printing outright lies is unmatched. Their dependence on bait lines on opening pages like yahoo is the same as CNN counting viewership in airports as actual viewers. Love to know who funds this trash. Dissappointed that I could leave no less that one star.
I hate the gambling ads!
I have always liked Huffpost from when it began under Arianna Huffington. I am well aware of its point of view (slant). It has become mainstream, but there is some important information on it, some of which I agree with (not all).
What I hate about Huffpost now, is the endless ads for gambling on the phone app. They imitate a slot machine, flashing fast rolling images with bright lights and sometimes with the most horrible sounds, hurting my eyes, especially at night. And all of the ads take up too much screen space. I have to try to cover them with my finger in order to read an article and usually just give up and go to another site for my news.
Also, many articles have videos that are only ads or do not relate to the article at all or both. A waste of my time!
An e-mail to them about these issues had no reply or results.
I am sure the articles that your Website can be informative, knowledgeable and interesting. However, the task of actually reading these articles is not worth the effort. This site is so full of pop up advertisements. What a $#*!ing mess. Honestly, your data engineers and graphic designers are buffoons of the highest order. Your website layout is elementary. What a horrible experience.
I can see that HuffPost has zero objectivity when covering US politics and promotes hate and lies. Much of what it says about Trump is what they do on a day to day basis. Garbage stories. Garbage journalism.
It's been a about a year since I went to the Huffington post site. With all the annoying (af) ads that popped up, I now remember why I hate this site. It's like that dumpster behind the Olive Garden. No one wants to see that. F-off Huffington Post.
HP is a trash propaganda site to spoon feed lies to the gullible liberals. It has zero credibility and all what is posts are worth nothing. A pathetic fake news who is competing to be the flagship of lies and propaganda.
This site just gets here talking points from cnn and other main stream liberal outlets!
Full of $#*! and any American of Canadian for that matter can easily read the way it's written!
Tromp apparantly this and apparently that, so full of fake news but hey,,,
That's why your eating is soooo good right hahaha
Really don't care for websites whose only option is to sign in or register with facebook.
Something about that I don't trust. I think every country has its own rag newspaper but I think the Huffington Post is the leader in America, Too Brassy? Nah!
If you are at least a little bit sane person please stay away. They are pure propaganda, very biased, keep deleting comments on their own post. They view is literally bringing this society to collapse.
Everyone knows your feelings regarding President Trump. America is a lot smarter than you are giving us credit for. Grow up, show some respect for the office and stop embarrassing yourselves.
My bad, I really feel stupid know. Huff Post and all the other propaganda machines are wearing off on me.
Answer: This is the cancer of the internet. I've never seen a a sadder excuse for a news site. If you do use this site you should not only take everything you read with a grain of salt, but with the entire shaker
Answer: Because the reviews are so bad they don t want to self inflict their demiss
Answer: All I can say is that strong rumors suggest that this newspaper has ties with the CIA, so far, I have not read one article from the Huffington Post that was true. EVeryone I read and check were fact news, but, I don't suggest you should check with "FAct Check" there is not where I check because FAct Check is owned by a journalists that is financed by Soros, so it is a biased source. Never found one article from this newspaper that was not inflamatory and untruthful. Most say it is a peace of garbage.
HuffPost has a rating of 1.2 stars from 170 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with HuffPost most frequently mention fake news and left wing. HuffPost ranks 220th among International News sites.