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1 review
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Prejudice, homophobic, slanderous drudge
May 18, 2023

This is the site that created allowance of bullying, unfairness, slander and stalking from their abusive writers Aeron Pfaff and Rahim Thawer. Mr.Pfaff is on Reddit, a stalker, alcoholic and stupid man who partook in fraud and condones hardships and fraud created alongside his mentally unfit buddies onto me, Donnarama Versace.
Criminals who have been the cause and encouraging unwarranted harrassment. They started it. Referring to people as racist, mentally ill and they have no idea what they cause. They are not mentally fit or qualified to contribute to a professional site.
Liars and lunatics with no real reason to be unfair, he's displayed a careless deranged psychotic mental state that is unprofessional and invasive, deliberately.
Thawer, an oppressive anti lgbtqia psychopath chose to prefer oppressing stage performance to addressing murder laws and homophobia with his cultural babble. He entered the gay bar, verbslly attacked the drag queen, refferd to the community as 'fags' whilst pleading for respectful spaces and 'treatment', hypocritically. That's the the reality. Drag perforner's are not allowed to address murderous religions and cultures, but are to sit back and allow that kind of hypocrisy and stupidity from sociopathic narcissistic interferences. All the while it should be noted Mr.Pfaff is a contributor to MOJO Magazine, a continuously corrupt and murderous scam cult that is well known to deal drugs and create unprofessional discomfort, an alliance with criminals.
They are discriminating and I refuse to be dealt a false perception that has mislead the public. The Huffington Post should be sued and shut down alongside these judgemental selfish people who have spread about dissonance and homophobic mistreatment. They don't make any sense. They are incorrect in their views and their sensitivities, a front to terrorize and bully lgbtqia peoples freedom to speak, act, discuss situations that lead us to poverty, death and dysfunction. Those two are the 'f*gs' who should be boycotted for their invasive, inconsiderate misinformation and phoney leaderships. I've caught Mr.Pfaff who is some kind of lifeless loser directly PMing my friends, business connection. Get a life you disgusting loser, no mindless alcoholic should be interfering in our space and interfering when they can't control their abuse and toxic substances. Here's one of their own team members fraud created online clearly showing their attempts at fraud and misinformation. Get rid of both of them asap.

Date of experience: May 18, 2023