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In addition to changing our passwords often, we need to make sure that our passwords aren't stolen and published on the world wide web. Everyone must accept in the modern world, you have a risk of been hacked. Hacking is a fact of life - and even though we cannot prevent it entirely - we can reduce the risk.

An additional way to keep your account safe is to use this tool. It will check its databases to see whether your email and password has been published to the world. It won't scan every database, but it will scan the popular ones like the LulzSec and Anonymous hackers databases.

This site is trustworthy - it will not store your email address. Media organisations such as the New York Times, CBC News, ComputerWorld, and more have endorsed this site. Site is encrypted so no one can eavesdrop.

Site has approx. 1 million records on its database.

Date of experience: July 7, 2011