A recent trendmicro housecall found several viruses in tor installation files. No surprise there considering how flaky it is. Different versions give different results, no universality between versions. Some work ok. Others don't work at all. Maybe that's why theyhave to keep updating it-they can't get it right. Their browser a firefox version is SLOW, cumbersome, bogs down frequently and generally is a pain in the a** to use. A memory hog that does not play well with windows. There developers are mostly a bunch of linux nerds who think their SH** doesn't stink and expect you to agree. They can't even code an easy connect button and it's dispersed all over the place for you to hunt for it. Keep your taskmgr handy and anything else you use to crash misbehaving browsers because you will need it A LOT with this junkware. If you think you're anonymous with this I have some beachfront property in the Florida Everglades I'd like to pitch to you.
8-3-23: They keep adding bells and whistles to their "browser" which just makes it more difficult to use without improving peformance. They are either satisfied with doing this or more likely, they are incapable of coding a program this the average person can just use without all the stalls, hacker interference, inability to connect. You spend a good deal of time just trying to get it to connect and to run properly w/out freezing. A case of the bigger you get the worse you get.
Each month it gets worse. Their updates are about as frequent as a constipated man waiting for his laxative to kick in. Like almost weekly.
Why? Because they cannot code a version that works over time, they all start lagging or other problems. Slow as hell, blocked by many websites.
The script kiddies running this operation obviously lack the skills in networking needed to produce a quality product. If you use several versions you will find some are blocked by tor and others work better than the current version. It's a real crapshoot trying to use this junk. A POS "browser" that consumes huge amounts of memory and is constantly freezing. I call it the "non-responding browser because that's what it does most of the time: not respond. Just read a credible article on this browser-search it-that outlines all the reasons why it is NOT anonymous, run partly by the US Gov't. In fact the CIA nodes are responsible for most of the freezes and other hacks impeding your data flow when using it. I hope they fail because we need some REAL programmers to offer a better replacement than this junk. AND they are arrogant linux nerds to boot. Many of their bugs occur in windows, they don't seem to know much about windows OS.
I had been interested in the TOR project for several years by now. Although it has a hige potential, it has several drawback which cannot make me fully satisfied with it.
1) it does not display all the content of the website (for security reasons)
2) as it makes tracking problematic, this affects a normal user - everything is working slowly.
Run by elitists not for general user. May sites are blocked. Bugs in program. Too many updates. Not adequately tested. Cannot used most add-ons without outing your anonymity. Many free vpns are better but not as anonymous. Their browser is a memory hog that significantly slows down and often stalls your computer unless you have all the latest specs(again elitist and for linux nerds). "developers" at tor now admit it has a bug that allows sites to activate javascript even after you have deactivated it. I have used tor for over 8 years and it has gotten worse as far as it's ability to get around hackers, isp blocks and webpage blocks. My isp has figured out how to DOS tor connections and using their so called bridges doesn't help. So many websites block tor it is necessary to use a vpn and not rely on tor.
TOR is an achronym for "The Onion Router" and is an anonymous web browser that allows you to access websites and data without being easily tracked (like most web browsers). Privacy is clearly one reason to use TOR, but using TOR also gives you access to parts of the web that aren't accessible otherwise, like Silk Road where you can buy all sort of things that are likely legal and illegal in your country, using bitcoins. So be careful, but there's a wonderful world out there. By the way after you are set up with TOR you can access Silk Road with this link (won't work with a normal browser) http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/index.php
This would have to be a personal favorite. This program along with Sandboxie almost completely makes you anonymous online. I would recommend this to anyone concerned about their privacy online.
Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world
Half the time this happens and none of the websiye.onion work and its horaible Nothing even workd at all
Es genial. Nos ofrece privacidad y abre las puertas a un mundo nuevo. Es verdad que es lento como dicen otros comentarios, pero no todo es perfecto en este mundo.