A lame answer to something that was never a problem, uploading a profile pic.
Now I have this horrible pic from 15 years ago that's haunting me over and over and I'm clueless everytime I get to gravatar.com, absolute worst login experience I've seen in a while.
Gravatar is a great site. For any of you that want to design 'business card' style photos, which look like a thumbnail photo then turns into a larger pop-up style image, for your site... this is the site for you. It works much like Ebay's pop-up photos, but you are allowed to enter a description of yourself for others to see. So, when you incorporate this into websites or blogs, like WordPress, you get user profiles in a simple hover of the mouse. This is a great feature for sites and it is very easy to use with websites such as WordPress.
This is the worst I have ever used. I have trouble with the most simplest tasks like adding a photo. For some reason it keeps giving me the option even when the picture is not more than 10mb and when I proceed to crop it shows me this tiny little square. It ends up being this blurry little picture… its so frustrating! I wouldn't even give a star for the website
A simple upload of a profile pic on the wordpress turns into a nightmare. Have to go on this extra site, create an account, then there is no way of creating another one, only the login button. Honestly, waw
My photo is coming up sideways. I suspect it's because it's actually sideways and all of my photo viewers auto rotate it. This also means I don't have a quick and easy way to rotate it and since Gravatar is so lame, I have to do a bunch of extra work that I shouldn't have do and don't have to with any other site. So far, I'm so not impressed.
Dear WordPress; Gravatar sucks.
I really do not want to use the exact same photo across multiple sites or accounts. I am now finding that more and more apps have only Gravatar as an option to display/upload a profile picture. I really do not want the same profile photo for my Wordpress, Rainforest QA, BitBucket, etc. I don't understand what was wrong with just uploading a photo each time you open a new account on an app you've never used before. There really should be an option to either sync up your Gravatar account, or upload an entirely separate photo without Gravatar.
In addition, I have a work email address and a personal email address, I can't seem to toggle between the accounts at all. I linked up my Gravatar with a new Wordpress site I'm building using my personal email address, now the only option I'm given is to login to Gravatar with my Wordpress login personal email address. What is wrong with using a general login screen where you can choose which email address you want to log in with?
In addition, the delay between uploading a Gravatar and it actually displaying on the account you want it to has been between 5 minutes and 24 hours for me.
Gravatar seems to be trying to solve a problem that never existed, and accidentally creating 20 more in the process.
I never asked for Gravatar, I never wanted Gravatar, but I seem unable to avoid it and the multitude of unnecessary problems it has created for me. I do appreciate their ambition though, I can only assume it's still in Beta testing.
Gravatar is not simplifying anything and a load of crap; why not simply changing your profile photo in the wordpress admin environment?
A good service if you are a writer/artist etc. A recognisable profile is always good for such people.