Offers bid packages with cash back (for product purchases), free daily credits, additional credits at login- all just a scam. No products delivered. Delay excuses include logistics, technical difficulties, promises to rectify the situation- all to no avail.
Company accepted payments, bids, suspended my account, continued to use bids placed despite lockout, ignored all messages, written communication. Attempts to use cash back showed merchant account not enabled. Attempts login showed login failure. No response from company.
Apparently, the people who designed this site have master manipulators to frustrate Consumer Watchdog (Citizens Advice), legal entities and have registered at Companies House in Gibraltar with different information posted on the Auction Site.
I have won quit a few auctions on here however I do think the site is outdated and has several things that need to be repaired. The badges system is a complete mess as is the customer service. They are never willing to work with you and have a "take it or leave it" vibe. Also their "games" offerings do not work even though they show this on their website. I have yet to see one. Anyway this is definitely much fairer than deal dash in my opinion.
This site has generous items & gift cards for bid, however extremely difficult for a new bidders because experienced bidders & ones that overbid win the majority of auctions. I have won a few but usually low $ items & cards & only after watching the bidders wear out after placing so many bids it makes no sense to continue bidding against someone who just starts bidding. The same ones keep winning over & over leading me to question whether these are legit. Perhaps if I purchased 1000's of bids & could compete it would be more enjoyable.
If you wish to lose money then sign up. If you want to win which is still risky you have to become a power bidder. This involves you losing hundreds of dollars to establish a name for yourself to then only start to possibly win some money back which may take months to a year, essentially making it a career. $68 to win $25. That's reality. Also they add a bid pack to almost every item so when you buy now you are losing because now those bids will be voucher bids which apply to nothing. Save your money and go get something that will make you happy because I promise you this site will not.
I can't believe people win auctions. The auctions are rigged the way Vegas is rigged to keep you hooked on LOSING.
The auctions artifically lower the seeming cost of items (ex. $3 to buy a 1 cent bid) and every bid extends the cost of the auction. Items you "win for $5" really cost $15 to win etc.
Most people lose and have sunk too much $$ into losing bids. QuiBids then generously gives people in the hole a chance to buy the auction item at full price. Since you've already lost X dollars in bids that you'll never get back, it's mentally easier to pay some more to get the item.
It seems now QuiBids is auto charing users as soon as you sign up. This is probably to give gamblers that desperate mindset to "win back" the money lost or discourage users from leaving.
If you want to use QuiBids stick to EBay. It's another terrible site but at least costs are upfront and if you lose an auction you pay nothing.
The people that operate this site are utter thieves. They make up fake users and bid against honest people that use their site. It is so obvious. Completely unregulated. Not really sure why they are allowed operate in the US. The FTC, SEC, some agency should look into this company. It should be criminal. It's one thing to bid against other legitimate users, but they have set it up and run it so that you hardly ever win. They collect two, three, ten times more than a card is worth and then in the end simply take it from a potential winners, so they aren't even out of pocket. Congrats to the owners and operators on your scam, but karma is $#*!. I wish for you nothing more and nothing less than you deserve. You really are despicable people. One day you will find out. I only wish I could witness it. I apologize for my "personal" remarks, but when someone steals from me, I don't like it so much.
Rank 1 of 5. To start off, it charged me money before I I knew it when I was checking the site out. Then I had to see what I could when you know 'cause I couldn't get my money back. Then there were some gifts I had no prayer of winning. One I lost on but paid a higher price was best thing that happened to me on there. I also won a $10 bass pro card a month ago. Bad news it turns out. Why? Because I still got no bass pro card in my mailbox. Tip: don't trust this site. Have a good day
Its a scam. I assume they have aughtamated bidding or hired bidders to keep you spending. I was so disappointed with my money. You most likely will loose half your money. You only win stupid items as well. Gift cards for half the money you spent.if lucky!
So today I went Quibids to see if they had fixed the matter that was keeping me from purchasing and claiming my items only to find they had deleted my account. When I hit their reactivate button I found that all my remaining bids= money (77) had been confiscated by them. So basically I have no product, ( not the ones I won or tried to purchase) and now I have no bids left ( bids=money) So I guess I have nothing. I am a waitress working minimum wage it took me all day to earn that $78.50 ( actual amount the debited my account for) I have since posted them on facebook, contacted the BBB and done 3 other reviews on them. To say I am angry at this theft would be an understatement.
I signed up to Quibids yesterday. I was fully aware they were going to debit my account for $75 for 100 bids which they did. I spent roughly an hour pre bidding going over all the tutorials so there were no surprises there. Long story short after loosing on an item I attempted to purchase it. A red purchasing error sign came up. I called my bank to make sure the problem wasn't on my end. Nope all was go. Then I attempted to reach Quibids customer service. 10 calls later that each ended in a rude message, " This machine does not except messages." CLICK! They have a live chat button that goes nowhere. Finally I do reach Alex who seems nice, he says they will get the issue fixed for me and I can proceed with my purchase. 4hrs later nothing. In the meantime thinking the issue was getting fixed I went back and bid on another item. Each time they debit my bids but when it comes time to claim my item, No Can Do. I try to call again (14 times) NOTHING. I attempt to email them but don't hear back. By this point I don't want to play anymore. I just want my money back. I have requested it but have yet to hear back via email. Huge disappointment!
Mistakingly, I signed up with Quibids not realizing any charges would be taken up front. I panicked when I read the confirmation email. I immediately tried contacting them. I could not get the live chat to do anything. I did send an email describing my situation. In a timely manner my email was responded to and within three days i was refunded in full.
Answer: Yes like Gary O said, $60 buys your first 100 bids. Seems like a lot but after that you can buy 25 bids for $15. Best investment I ever made!
Answer: When you sign up, to be able to bid, you must purchase bids and the first bid pack is 100 bids for $60. People simply do not read. I would ask them why they think they give their credit card number just to sign up. I've read the information and it's pretty clear. I've been using QuiBIds for going on 3 years and I love it. When you sign up there will be at the top that is labeled "QuiBids 101". If you do sign up, be sure to read QuiBids 101 before you begin bidding. It's very helpful.
Answer: Hi Madeline, I'm sorry to hear that you weren't aware you were purchasing the starter bid package of 100 bids for $60.00 when entering your credit card info on the purchase page. The good news is they will offer a full refund for any of your unused bids. Just send them an email at and they will be happy to assist you. They are very supportive and want to make sure you are satisfied.
QuiBids has a rating of 2.8 stars from 3,066 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with QuiBids most frequently mention gift card, retail price and business model. QuiBids ranks 2nd among Penny Auction sites.