Questions & Answers

Why is everyone talking about Quibids taking money from their account without permission? Is there something hidden in their Terms that you are not more upfront about on the website?

Asked by Emily M. on 7/31/2015

6 Answers
Connie E.8/1/2015

When you sign up, to be able to bid, you must purchase bids and the first bid pack is 100 bids for $60. People simply do not read. I would ask them why they think they give their credit card number just to sign up. I've read the information and it's pretty clear. I've been using QuiBIds for going on 3 years and I love it. When you sign up there will be at the top that is labeled "QuiBids 101". If you do sign up, be sure to read QuiBids 101 before you begin bidding. It's very helpful.
Jeffrey M.7/31/2015

Hello Emily,
When a person wants to join QuiBids there is a $60 sign up fee. The money spent goes towards the bids you get to bid with on the site.
Now some people buy the bids then use them and lose at auction on higher priced items and become bitter. Some people join by accident and money is withdrawn and refunded by QuiBids only if you don't use the bids in auction. So if you join QuiBids and bid there is no refund on the bids used but you can buy the item and the bids used go towards the value price. I hope I helped you.
michael s.8/1/2015

When you first join quibids you're buying a $60 of bids. Which gives you access to special auctions that beginners can only access. Take advantage of these. Their is also a ways to see how good the people you play against are. Check out their trophies and their latest wins to see how they bid. (If the bud with vouchers or real bids) Try and determine if the person who you are bidding against will quit or keep bidding until they either win it or go the distance to pay it off to own it. Once I'm in a bid I don't quit. I only bid on things I need. That way if I am in a bidding war with someone their is no reason for me to leave and loose thise bids. Ill stay till i have bid enough to own it. Have fun bidding. Remember to put poofydrop1@yahoo.com in ar the referred by section. Thank you see you around the holidays when i bif the most. Poofydrop
Yvonne S.8/1/2015

I see many have answered your question. That i wonderful. I would suggest to anyone who joins Quibids or anything else on line, please carefully everything. The $60 is your first bid pack. Quibids explains that, some people just don't take the time to read it. I would like to add, you have a beautiful Emily. It would be awesome to see you at Quibids f/b page!
Michael F.7/31/2015

So I will agree that they probably do not take money from accounts without permission, but they are far from honest. The whole premise about buying laptops for cheap is fine, except they leave out that you pay per bid (and you have to buy bids in bulk). Go to eBay, you will get your actual money's worth.
Helen P.7/31/2015

Never happened. I have been using Quibids for over 4 years and it is the most honest site of all of them. You don't have any money on the site. All you have in your account are bids that you may have purchased or won in an auction. The only bids they can take away are the 5 free bids they give out weekly if you don't use them and they tell you that up front before you click to get them. Don't know what "All these people" means either. I've never had it and I've never seen anyone say that either. Some complain about losing money because they don't win and paid for the bids they used. That is usually the bidder's fault because they don't pay attention and just keep hitting bid until they run out. Need to watch and bid when needed not every time someone else bids. Just don't let the time run out, but let others jump in to bid if they want to.

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