Nebraska Furniture Mart

Nebraska Furniture Mart

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Poor Mr Buffet!
November 3, 2015

This is a very nice place to browse. The sales staff however is another issue. They stand around chatting with each other, on the phone and ignore customers. At a point, I got lost trying to find my way back downstairs, one sales guy saw me looking around obviously lost and he quickly scurried by.
The only 2 people who asked me if I needed help were an elderly caucasian man with lovely white hair and a handsome African American young man both in the furniture section. They were polite, not pushy or bothersome.
I spent almost 2 hours, so it was not a flying visit.

Date of experience: November 3, 2015
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Bought a refrigerator on labor day weekend. It was on sale from website. But when I got to the store I got an additional 50 dollars cheaper than go am additional discount going thru acceptance Now. Got free Delivery and tax Free a great experience

Date of experience: October 24, 2019
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So Much Choice!
March 25, 2019

I loved in Nebraska for 6 years so visited the. Nebraska Furniture Mart several times. I purchased leather sofas, beds and bedroom furniture, dining table, chairs and coffee table. Everything I purchased was very good quality and finish. The prices were good and often there is a sales coupon available or they run promotions.

There is a huge clearance section where we purchased our $4000 tempur pedic bed for under $1000! It was perfect condition just been used as display so you can get some amazing deals from time to time.

Delivery is usually fairly quick and is often an extra charge so make sure to get everything you need in one go! If items are small enough you can take them straight from the warehouse in your car.

One downside for me is the place is so huge it's hard to find things. It's actually displayed nicely but not efficiently. For example all the furniture is set out in rooms. Great for design ideas but if you're looking for a coffee table they are not all together. They are spread out in rooms' all over the store and it's hard to remember where you've been and looked as well as what you've seen. My advice take snaps on your phone and add the location so you can easily find it again! Overall the best place for furniture in Nebraska!

Date of experience: March 25, 2019