I visited this site today because I saw an ad. I never really thought about this at all. I is amazing what you can learn in just 1 review. Sometimes people don't stop to think what damage we do to ecosystem. The ocean is the source of survival, not just to humans but to many animals. This site throws a whole new lite on what we do everyday in our daily lives. I go to the grocery and read about calories and things like nutrition on the back of packages. In my fast paced life I really don't have a lot of time to read all the back labels. I never thought to take notice what fish come from where, or what waters are they from. Also in the catch of shrimp and other sea dwelling things what is wasted in the catch. What kinds of ocean life is lost and thrown away in the catch. This site shows seafood recommendations and what types of fish to buy, what not to buy and how we can all do a part in saving the ocean. I know we all take things for granted but when you read this it makes you take a step back and really really think. I know never though how selfish I could be just buying the wrong things to eat. I love rock fish but there are certain types to look for. The question that comes to mind is this? When you are in a market and the fish are laid out fresh on the ice for us to buy. How do we really know where they were caught? If we ask the store do they know? Or can they even answer the question? This poses a problem to all the sea creatures from a-z. This site is really unique it shows a diagram of seafood, rating, market names, where caught, and most of all how they where caught. I think this is something we all need to review. I have been reading this site for over an hour and I can't seem to pull myself away. I will bookmark this one for sure. I hope all who read this stop and think how we all play a part in destroying not only ocean life but also ourselves by doing so. I know this is something that will never stop. Because man enjoys the finer things in life. If we all just try a little maybe it can change some. Sadly fishing http://www.montereybayaquarium.org http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/cr/seafoodwatch.aspx