MOST of the sellers here on AquaBid are honest people. HOWEVER, there are those sellers that like to take advantage of new buyers. This is very easy to see for yourself. Check the feedback scores carefully. Check the Negatives. Lf you see that most of the new buyers are displaying negative comments about the buyer they've just interacted with then avoid this seller if you are a new buyer here. Ls it just a coincidence that new buyers have problems with certain sellers? L doubt it! One seller in particular is ANDY PARTIN. His aquabid seller name is AFISHPOND. This guy sells aquatic plants. He's a scam artist that ships out below average plants and then blames the buyer for lying about the " quality " of his plants. This idiot also proudly encourages $#*! fighting in his emails! And the majority of his emails appear to be written by an extremely illiterate person. Avoid doing business with this fool!
This is what i told them to do you bid bid bid bid the sellerhas frend bid on fish so if he does not sell it he does not lose any thing try you bid maxbid will show up every time till seller gets what he wants and more
I have purchased fish over a half a dozen times from various sellers. I have never been disappointed and have come in contact with some of the most knowledgeable and nicest people.
It works. Follow the rules and you are good to go. Place bids or buy outright from various online sellers.
Very nice website compared to ebay. Easy to communicate with sellers, easy to customise transactions, more interesting selection of AMERICAN sellers