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Not impressed.
March 31, 2018

Decided to sell off some of my used equipment. In order to gain access to the proper area you need to have posted so many answers to Q's etc. It's a high traffic area so no problem finding enough places to post answers. I think it only took around 25 but this was years ago. I already had a few. So I set to work answering some of the basic questions. My answers were pretty much the same as the others but on a few I went into more detail if I thought it would help the asker. Within a few hours all my answers were deleted and some mod sent me a PM saying words to the effect of, If you try that again you will be banned. We know what your doing. Your just trying to gain access to the sellers area to sell off your old stuff. So I messaged them back and said that yes, that is actually what I am trying to do and what is wrong with it? No answer. If you use google you will fined a never ending sea of bad experiences, random bans or bans for disagreeing with a mod etc. I haven't even used the site in years. Fortunately, their are some great alternatives now. There did not used to be, which is probably the only reason why RC grew so large to begin with. I will say, however, that they do have some very experienced people who write some really cutting edge posts sometimes.

Date of experience: March 31, 2018
New Jersey
9 reviews
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This is an excellent resource for owners of a reef aquarium. This is an online community. I have learned a lot through joining this site.

Date of experience: May 21, 2013