Independent Living Aids

Independent Living Aids

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Found some good products here for people with poor vision and poor hearing. It's hard to find this stuff and it helps my loved one be able to keep living at home for as long as she can. I've never been to the Independent Living Aids store but supposedly it's in New York somewhere. They are pretty good.

Date of experience: May 6, 2013
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I purchased a product for an eldelry aunt who received iten not functioning. She was not able to let me know it did not work and return policy only had a 30 day window but the point is it was broke and they should had honored the product within the year for that reason, Plus their prices are too high. They should at least offered me a discounted price. I wont buy from this place again and you can purchase the same items for less and quicker better service on Amazon. Ripp off company.

Date of experience: June 29, 2023