I had taken a DNA test recently which was very upsetting but why go into that again?
I had the good fortune to find Gedmatch another genealogy site where I uploaded my raw DNA. They analyzed this data and the results were staggering. In no way did these
Results compare to the first one. They are just great! Gedmatch's results were inclusive
Of all my ethnicities as well as a few I never could imagine/ They were very thorough
And let me find my Scottish great grandmother as well as my Frankish and Norman ancestry. There was ancestry from many regions I was never told about which is par
For the course since people who immigrated to the US within the last 200 years wanted to live here as Tabula Rasa's(blank slates). They rarely spoke about ancestry. As their children we were encouraged to not discuss the past which I feel
Is very psychologically unhealthy. Worse yet, they refused to answer my questions.
As a result people have been living under false assumptions and to some extent, lies. If we all were told the truth we would have felt related to many people who we
Thought were "different". I'm so grateful to Gedmatch for letting the light shine in,
Doing this without charge and in only a few minutes! Thanks for everything, I won't
Forget. I have 9 ethnicities not four; this was objective, scientific and without
Hidden agendas.