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A must know about site for Genealogy users! Social Security Death Index is invaluable! But just like everywhere else, there are mistakes in their records. Further research is always needed to substantiate what you find.

SSDI was originally run by the Soc Sec Administration, then it changed over to a rootsweb website. Now as has swallowed up another Genealogical site they are now under's thumb. Luckily the index has stayed FREE to everyone.

Date of experience: August 30, 2011
33 reviews
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Unfortunately, Ancestry's SSDI has undergone a major overhaul since last fall. It was dictated by fear and fanaticism of 'some politicians.' It is still a very good tool. I only use it through my brother's laptop. My brother and I are involved in family history research. Ancestry's overall site, is tops and pricey in my opinion. "Just my opinion." Sadly, they've placed their SSDI behind a larger firewall and with more restrictions. Yet, for someone who needs some information regarding any deaths since 1962, it's worth a try. Also, all modern deaths are not in the SSDI, despite what many many people believe. Surprisingly, some historical researchers, investigators, and lawyers, sad to say, believe all recent deaths in the US end up in the SSDI. They don't; most do, though.

Date of experience: April 3, 2012