After raping a young lady in his room while his roommates sat outside the room at Florida State, espn has decided to let go. On their show.
This quarterback was let into the NFL, then he was later charged for groping an Uber drivers private parts. Shame on the Florida State, the nfl, and mostly ESPN for letting a rapist on their show. Will spread the word.
I'm disgusted with ESPN. First with the quality of "video games" and secondly with the telecast. I might be old but growing up on multiple traviling sports teams and many hotel stays. It saddens me seeing the trash portrayed as sports. $#*! off new age espn
The next question is date of experience...personally I've seen change since 2001.
Ps sept.11th is not an option on the dates... thats weird.
Date of experience: SEPSTMBEER 11TH 2021
ESPN you have Issues. Letting go great talents today of Samantha Ponder and Robert Griffin lll. And past reduction in force of Sage Steele and Suzy Kolber.
ESPN powers that be, please note the professionalism, decorum and lack of drama from the NFL commentators on the noncable stations.
No yelling, no hype, no drama, no fashion show complete with hair pigs dressed for a ball, no dancing in one's seat, no swearing, and no harsh,
Hurtful criticisms of others. Just 4 or 5 players and coaches acting civilized.
Your programming has gone down the drain in a hurry and still sliding. I Honestly stopped tuning in and have to wonder who does and why.
Your coverage of the Surgar bowl was horrible!
You don't need to shrink my screen to watch some ego maniac sports announcers! That was the worst televised game i have ever seen! I will refuse to watch ESPN if I ever witness this kind of coverage! YUCK! I want my TV back!
I wanted to sign up I paid it works on my tablet but not the TV. I spent hours last night talking to someone very nice but you guys have no idea. You said there's a survey every time time I get disconnected every time. I just wanted to watch the game
I saw an ad at a friend's house about soccer on ESPN streaming. There are almost zero games from EPL or Germany. As for Men's Basketball my UNC games are never on. You can't get a refund so I wasted over $100 for a year subscription. I will contest on my VISA soon. They suck.
I'm an alumni of University of Michigan, grew up watching it in the days of 4 networks, no cable, now you have to pay to watch your home team in a bowl game, what about the average American that can't afford such luxury in budget, or they don't pay for right package, money/greed ruins everything, even what used to be just fun college rivals are more serious than life itself to these corporate sponsors. This is American football, not Wallstreet people these are our teams not there's. We should have the right to root our teams on freely, ESPN is wrong on this one.
Kimberly Martin may be worst analyst on any sports network. Almost all of her commentary is prompted and has to be accompanied by an iPad.
I get ESPN may be after the completely oblivious to football demographic but I can get better analysis at the Dollar General Store.
It's also very hard/slow and sometimes not possible to watch video highlights on ESPN app because it's ridiculously slow. A big organization like this needs to do better with their products. My disappointment with the ESPN app has been for years and it's not getting better.
ESPN has a rating of 1.6 stars from 167 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with ESPN most frequently mention and college football. ESPN ranks 230th among Sports News sites.