These idiots wrote a story about protesters showing up in Manhattan New York demanding the arrest of Trump. This is just another fake news outlet ran by clowns with nothing that is actually news. There was three (3) protestors! And like 25 reporters fluffing a non existent story!
Only one opinion is tolerated other group of people is ridiculed. They write biased articles and don't look at both sides. They support only mainstream propaganda. I am not talking about political matters. I am talking about every day life problems, that you see at school, home, work ect... No point wasting time reading their articles.
This site tells you nothing but lies and rubs salt in your wounds in order to put you down even more. This site is meant to discourage you, and I saw this one stupid article about a woman who was a successful sugar baby about to marry her sugar daddy. But that is an extremely rare case, as I've observed and from my own experience trying sugar dating. Do not trust the independent.
I read this news publication daily to get informed on international and national news. Unlike CNN or Fox news, The Independent presents the facts and nothing more. I find that many mainstream media outlets seem to tell the news through a political viewpoint. Independent is pure in the fact that it does not.
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Not much to say. They're a mainstream terrible news website that joys in disinformation. Lots of stories of nonsense and stuff that doesn't help the reader.
This site does not care about actual news. It only cares about bashing one political side. They don't actually care about getting important news to the public
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Scarily one sided arguments and propaganda. Thought control much? Sorry, I don't want your socialist theories etched into my brain.