Cnn has no business calling themselves a news channel. Over and over with the same garbage about the injustice with every Republican yet what about the injustice when it comes to Hunter or hilary.
Where's all these so called do gooder democrats when hunter was taking millions of dollars from a job he wasn't qualified for that his daddy got him from threatening to cut off a country.
Where's all the do gooder democrats when Hilary was selling weapon grade stuff to Russia.
Why cnn didn't you comment on how the Dems were putting all the attention on trump so it wouldn't be on Hilary, why did they keep the attention on him instead of letting him go to investigate the corrupt Dems. Why now cnn are you continuing to slam him. Instead of you investigating the elections.
Does anyone else here see a pattern with cnn and the dems.
Trump is out CNN. Do your job and report the news, not old news.
As I watched the news yesterday, Oct. 14,2020, I saw something that I was, actually, very content. Then as I was complimenting the officer, telling my significant other, that's how ALL officers should treat EVERYONE.
It was a story of a young adult man, 20-27 yrs. Of age, maybe. There was a problem, he was running from an officer, was caught, stabbed the officer with a knife in the neck, then ran again from officer.
The officer chased him, had his gun out, but immediately switched to a taser, I believe.
He tased the young man once, which is all that was needed.
It was the most ideal action I've seen any officer do, especially after being stabbed.
I'm latina, so I was so impressed, as I've only seen the complete opposite.
Then as I continued praising this officer, I realized something.
The young man was White. I'm not a racist, to me everyone is equal, but that's, most likely, the reason this young man was so lucky and didn't have any fear of losing His life.
I hate to say this, but if it would of been a person of color, the outcome would not have resulted in the stabber living another day
Now this is my opinion but if like CNN to look at this.
Thank you,