Yahoo only uses left wing news sites to report the news-like the Daily Beast, Huffington post and a varied of left leaning news sites-Bias in news reporting. Also use news stories as advertisements for selling products. Yahoo news left wing propaganda.
Most of the news is about fake, negative stories about Trump and the Republicans. All garbage and really far fetched. Yahoo news is so totally biased, it can't be believed.
Communist censorship at its finest. I would love to see people dump the use of this site en masse! Yahoo should be tanked as it doesn't report real news and controls comments to leftist slant.
It's lame when Yahoo news ends commenting on certain articles after a short period of time. Sometimes even within a few hours of the article being posted.
To far left and almost entirely opinion and speculation. Very little research done. I only use it because I've had a long standing email address with yahoo. Rarely do I use it as a search engine or source of news.
This website should be shutdown for far left extremist agenda pushing. The hate that is tolerated and the harassment from liberals on conservatives is disgusting. The articles on there are extremely left pushing and about half are opinionated conservative hating propaganda pieces.
I'm out of there. Just an awful news source. CNN is more reliable than this.
You can't say anything on this website that is factual or direct. The mods and algorithms actively work to censor you if you're a conservative and block comments all the time even if they're general comments that fall well within their policy guidelines.
Yahoo has absolutely zero credibility and strives off of liberal clickbait practices. Pay attention and you'll see the exact same article but with a refreshed headline. You'll see liberals threatening death and harassment constantly and a conservative can't say Biden sucks.
Don't waste your time with this website.
Yahoo news is a very leftist biased, radical news, rag magazine. It is completely unprofessional and no one I repeat no one ever believe what is published there.
Now Yahoo's claiming, " Biden Ahead Of Trump In Polls." Try giving your opinion! Like a simple, "LOL! Sure!". They will refuse to post it. They only post reader comments that support their propaganda site and extremely, poorly written, woke trash pieces. Kept a yahoo email address for junk purposes but deleting it because their propaganda, outright lies and censorship is disgusting and laughable. Embarrassed to still have yahoo even as a junk email address. I consider Trump "The Lesser Evil" & wasn't going to vote but now will vote for Trump as a gift to Yahoo.
Yahoo news is terrible. The articles use throwaway comments that are unrelated to the story being covered to support a rather liberal assumption. Nothing balanced or fair there at all. I've been reading their news for the past 5 years and it's only gotten worse.
Yahoo news is probably one of the most biased and untrustworthy new sources on the North American continent, and I was listening to their editor defend their bias, saying that journalists are educated people and educated people tend to be more biased, because reality lead you to being a liberal was essentially what he was saying so in addition to being completely biased, completely liars and a shallow construct of the Democratic Party. They're a bunch of arrogant scumbags as well.
Answer: Because of overwhelming amount of disgusted long time users that refuse to believe their agenda.
Answer: Sounds about right. I haven't seen anything remotely unbiased from them in god knows how long
Answer: Don't go to their website. Advocate for their trash to be removed from the internet hah.
Answer: I haven't used them just came here to review how left biased they truely are. This isnt a news outlet its a leftist shill page.
Answer: I think you get your left and right muddled up. Maybe you're dyslexic? Or maybe it's just that Yahoo news used to be better back in 2021. It has now become so abhorrently right wing that you might like it.
Yahoo News has a rating of 1.1 stars from 543 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Yahoo News most frequently mention left wing, comment section and propaganda machine. Yahoo News ranks 1080th among News sites.