Disregarding their leftist apologetic disposition because politics has become the scapegoat to hate anything these days. Their "journalism" is drab, inaccurate, and poorly constructed. It seems they are in such a hurry to feed garbage into the already cluttered trash compactor that is media, that they have zero time to actually edit or proofread anything. You know that thing that news article sites and any industry based on distributing coherently written services would find obvious to do. The more articles I skim through, the more I start to believe that these articles are written by intern journalism majors on drug induced tangents after an overnight coke bender at Sigma Pi. The articles are so riddled with typos, I feel like a third grader with a bad stutter trying to read to the class. Not only are the articles disorganized and poorly written but the information within the articles are distorted and ambiguous at best. If not flat out lies. Recently I read an article on a kid with MMA training who properly tucks a College Football player to sleep rear naked style, after one too many shoves. Having seen the video, I know that the "MMA Fighter" as they try to portray him is actually a much smaller young man who may have attended a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class once or twice in his life and was tired of watching an $#*! jock puff out his chest. Boo-Hoo said Yahoo News as they cried over the football players damaged eye, ruined pride and tattered football career. The tall, white, handsome All-American will never drop another pass or pick on smaller white teenagers in a public bathroom like a netflix drama cliche bully again. Sad face said the article author as they ponder how this violence could have occurred while editing out the clip of the young "MMA Fighter" in question bleeding from the nose and being shoved. In my America it makes sense that if you shove a stranger there's a possibility he isn't a punk b**** and you may or may not get torn a new a**hole Kimbo Slice style. But alas, we are Yahoo News and we must cater to rich universities and their cash cow athletics department like we cater to mega million dollar corporations, rich democratic politicians, and anyone willing to read our click-bait. Whether the news being portrayed is accurate or not the news Outlet and has-been email service will always play one side instead of being an unbiased source because this makes the money counter go burrrrr and thats the hill we're going to die on. If its a cop or small white kid who knows how to defend himself then we don't know what happened but please feel free to watch this edited clip of what happened as we explain how what happened really "happened".