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I bought an item in India, hardly $45.00. It was held since 26th of June in the country I live in. And then July 1st I got the message it has to be cleared. Yeah, right. I could have been delivered in those 5 days (several times).
It will cost me $23.00. For an item with a value of S45.00!
This is a way for the EU to earn money over the back of consumers.
Needless to say, I will not pay, and the item will be sent back. And I probably will lose my money.
Thank you worthless and useless and money thieves of the European Union.

Date of experience: July 6, 2021
7 reviews
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It will fail like everyone who has tried before the EU. rip in pepperoni. Also its essentially ruled by germany so you can aruge that the 3rd reich has finally won europe for a bit.

Date of experience: February 25, 2017