Electronic Arts

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I should not have to log in to 2 different launchers and install yet another launcher to load a single player game I purchased through a 3rd game site. Top it off with the support forums and help pages that EA provides if I could gives negatives star rating I would put them at -5 stars, they are THAT bad.

Date of experience: December 13, 2024
New Jersey
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They banned me for absolutely no reason. I did nothing wrong, and when I appealed and inquired what I had done, they just kept sending me the terms of service. I read the entire document, and didnt violate anything in it. Theres no transparency. Guilty until proven innocent. Stay away from this company. Worst service Ive ever encountered.

Date of experience: September 25, 2024
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Literally criminal
July 15, 2024

Charged me twice for one subscription, know they did this, and refused to refund it. They were concurrent, for the same thing, I am one person, and they could see the accidental duplicate (fault of their agent who helped me get my account working) was never used.


They can't be reached by email or phone, and chat is broken 9 out of 10 times when you try to visit. Their way of limiting contact instead of helping.

Date of experience: July 15, 2024
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Crooks! Expensive & Cheep Games
July 2, 2024
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I would advise against purchasing anything from EA as they make promises to fix their expensive, cruddy games, but never do and are more interested in advertisement in games to sell you more broken content they will never fix! Their app is old and cruddy! BEWARE!

Date of experience: July 2, 2024

Money Hungry Crooks!
March 11, 2023
Previous review

The customer service will make you jump loops and it never fixes anything but the anger boiling in your head to find these people in person and see the face to face expression when I tell them how worthless they are! I will not ever buy another thing from them and I have payed over $725 or so for one game Sims 4! Not including the pc to play it on over $3000, back pay from disability only once in a lifetime! Modders are the only reason I am still playing. What a shame other people have to fix the game while the company reeps in all the money! They will get payed back... only a matter of time. Edit: Now they have corrupted lots in game with a patch and 41 pages so far of error reports about that patch! Game not playable with mods now. No fixes, still selling broken packs and content! Planet Coaster or Planet Zoo is a lot better and cheaper! EA doesn't even have auto save so you loose hours of play when their crappy app crashes!

Date of experience: March 11, 2023
Sri Lanka
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Payment of ea apps
February 10, 2024

One of the worst websites without customer satisfaction, i already bought a game and It wasnt added to my library in the EA app, im very dissapointed with the app bcs i loved ea games and those days it was perfect. I will never buy any game from this store ever again

Date of experience: February 10, 2024
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I bought Roaring Heights through the EA app for my Sims 3 game on 12/31/23. In my EA order history on the EA website, it gives me a code to register my game. The code does not work. I asked for help starting on 1/6/24. I've talked to 10+ people at EA now. They all gave me excuses but no one would give me a new code or a refund. Today I talked with someone over an hour and in the end, they told me the refund window ended so there was nothing to be done. I requested to speak to a manager, they told me they couldn't transfer me. I have sent everyone screenshots of proof that I bought the game and that the code doesn't work and now apparently, there is nothing to be done. Months of dragging this out, explaining my case to multiple people and no one could help me or at least try to make it right.

I have many other expansions for my game bought through the sims 3 store and the one time I try through the EA app, this happens. This is not user error.

Date of experience: March 15, 2024
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EA has no support.
Games do not work, and they do not fix issues.
Example is Star Wars Squadrons Anti-Cheat simply will not work.
All other game sellers have fixed issues, but EA has not.
I will never buy a game published by EA again, and will not recommend to anyone.

Date of experience: December 7, 2023
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Cannot reach any alive human being. I have had my account disabled for no reason at all.

1. Tried to go main EA website and login.
* The website is not working. I cannot login because every time I try to, I get 500 Internal server error.
* I guess your account and customer service is not important to them

2. When I did manage to reach someone though tertiary game websites and requested more information I was told a generic pre recorded text message. Every time I would reopen ticket and try to talk to a live person or ask any additional information, I would get the same generic reply.

I paid so much money in products and games, and now I cant even access it. Avoid this company at all costs.

Date of experience: January 8, 2023
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Why link an account to steam if I can't even use it? I've found this company to be garbage. I've tried downloading multiple games through steam that require an EA account and it doesn't not let you log in if your accounts are linked. EXTREMELY UNHELPFUL. Don't think these games should be on steam if they aren't going to work hand in hand. Take off the choice to link accounts if it's not gonna work.

Date of experience: February 15, 2024
North Carolina
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Take a hint
January 11, 2024

Their response to consumer backlash for not liking $#*!ty bug riddled games is to talk down to their consumers and chastise them for not liking those $#*!ty bug riddled games. To add insult to injury, you have to install the EA Launcher and make an EA account to play their degenerate games even if you purchased the game from Steam.

Date of experience: January 11, 2024


Electronic Arts has a rating of 1.3 stars from 168 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Electronic Arts most frequently mention customer service and worst company. Electronic Arts ranks 1279th among Video Games sites.
