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I find Kos pales in comparison for aggregating political news article published elsewhere along with excerpts to RawStory. The later recently added original articles. The pluses are that Kos allows anybody to post their own stories, called diaries, and that there's often thought provoking discussing in the comments. The minus is that community posted stories rarely include original material and opinion, in fact they don't even have an opinion section like major newspapers. For my take on why my story got me banned, with the story removed from the site, without any reason sent to me, can be found if you Google my name, Hal Brown, and a keyword like Daily Kos or Trump. That will get you to my blog.

Date of experience: September 13, 2022
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Seriously they suck
September 8, 2021

Full of poorly written, topics which do not fairly or reasonably report on the topics at hand many trash articles which are nothing more than smear pieces, and they show lack of real journalism skills. Plus they spam people terribly. I didn't sign up for thier garbage but keep getting it sent to me over and over.

Date of experience: September 8, 2021
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I wrote several articles for this website that were actual journalism, not the clickbait 50-word cut and paste articles you mostly see there. My articles got a lot of views and likes but a small group of bizarre people flagged them into oblivion and then they were all removed. I tried to keep visiting the site but the viruses and pop-up ads embedded in it made me stop. Somebody could get rich creating a community blog site with real journalistic standards and the vibe of the Meidas Touch youtube network. But Daily Kos is a sad joke.

Date of experience: February 22, 2024
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Follow John W.
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Extreme censorship and intolerance towards any opposing or independent views. Anti-democratic values. Too much group think behavior and bullying tactics promoting a reckless "cancel culture". They do not offer any refunds on subscription membership dues and their paid staff is practically nonresponsive and unavailable.

Date of experience: February 19, 2021
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Daily kos is daily bs
January 4, 2023

Daily kos is run by a group of sissies masquerading behind incompetent "censors". It's a good thing it's not published on paper because wiping your anus with it is about all its good for. Plus, the "writers" basically suck.

Date of experience: January 4, 2023
New Mexico
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While I support much of their progressive actions, they use underhanded spamming tactics. By signing one petition, they automatically add your email to several other lists without your consent because they don't give you a choice not to subscribe. Sneaky at best, possibly illegal. Their unsubscribe method is also underhanded: no way to unsubscribe from all their lists at once, requiring multiple actions to unsubscribe one at a time. Totally deceitful.

Date of experience: January 26, 2022
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I was banned from Daily Kos for complaining re a 3 day restriction for pointing out potential trolls. Won't ever go there again, they are complicit.

Date of experience: July 28, 2024
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Follow Starry G.
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I receive DailyKos newsletter and I often sign petitions of theirs which is fine. Their online site where users comment in response to articles however is outrageously unfair and severely censors any opinion different from theirs even if your comment is free from foul language, slurs, threats, or anything remotely offensive. The administrators also refused to delete account as requested. I've unsubscribed to their newsletter and refuse to have anything to do with them. They are trash.

Date of experience: May 24, 2022
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Follow I.M. B.
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They censor comments and articles. They purge en masse people who are truly willing to fight for America and democracy. They are hostile to rational people, atheists and others who don't believe in archaic sky gods. Many of their commenters are pathetic wimps and losers who act like kids in a high school clique. Lots of sock puppets. I also suspect they report people who are "too radical." F off, Daily Kos.

Date of experience: August 5, 2023
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Follow K Mark L.
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They have a multi-tier comment moderation. Users who pay or have more "mojo" have more rights in the comment section. So if more people falsely accuse you of a violation of the "Rules of the Road" you comments get blocked. There is no attempt to contact you about the comments just the having enough people falsely accusing you of a violation and your are block.

Date of experience: September 27, 2023


Daily Kos has a rating of 1.6 stars from 46 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Daily Kos ranks 12th among Liberal sites.
