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Another bunch of left-wing loonies run by... hang on, isn't that the guy from Ben and Jerry's? Hmmm... well maybe the ice cream connection makes this one worth a second look?

I should explain that in the USA, Ben and Jerry's shops are where most people go for an ice cream and the brand is prominent in all the supermarkets. It's something of an American icon, and childhood visits to Ben and Jerry's are remembered with fondness by many adults. And it so happens that the Ben who founded Ben and Jerry's is also the founder of, an organization pledged to

"compound the power of all those who believe in social justice, giving children a decent start in life, protecting the environment, and America working in cooperation with the world community."

Much of the site still relates to the pre-Obama 2009 election victory and is directed towards the worst excesses of the Bush administration. However, there is a blog which is kept up to date, and even somewhat dated material is worth reading. There is a following of around 300,000 supporters and an active mailing system, with the opportunity to join in the petitioning of your congressperson via the wonders of the worldwide web.

Of special significance and highly recommended as an introduction to the site, there is a brief analysis of US spending as demonstrated with Oreo cookies. The Pentagon has an annual budget of 40 cookies, for example, which is around three times the total of our strongest potential enemies put together. Health insurance, currently causing huge political upheaval and bitter arguments here, could be paid for by one and a half cookies. In fact, the military budget is roughly equal to the entire budgets of... well, everything else, at least according to Ben Cohen and And a packet or two of Oreos, of course.

If that sounds like something that would make you want to protest, or at least join with others in protesting, then take a look at the Oreos cartoon at:

You may well find some food for thought, here.

Date of experience: April 15, 2010