Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground

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Most people there are fine, regular Democrats, but they are not allowed to speak freely because the site is patrolled by a cadre of very hostile zealots who abuse the alert system to purge members they don't like. Certain topics are off limits, impossible to discuss without retribution. For example, there is no discussion of transgender athletes; mentioning the subject is forbidden. The core group of enforcers is very hostile to progressives, anyone who doesn't worship Hillary Clinton as a goddess, and anyone who suggests Democrats have to deal with awkward issues. They represent the insider core who lost the 2016 election and blamed Bernie Bros. They still take every opportunity to vent about Ralph Nader. There are many Democrats there who would like to have friendly, reasonable discussions with each other, but the atmosphere is too poisonous.

Date of experience: June 28, 2024
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This site is as radically leftist as possible. All posters who write anything that even hints of merely "left-of-center" (i.e. Somehow less than extremist, propaganda-spewing Joseph Goebbles) is immediately banned and the "offending" posts are deleted. This means that most registrants become banned on their first day. There are a few who make it to their second day. There are no discussions, only raving diatribes.

I registered and began posting. Within my first twenty minutes, I responded to a poster who claimed that socialists were so much better than Nazis by reminding him that the Nazis were socialists (i.e. National Socialist Workers Party) and I was promptly and permanently banned... and my posts were deleted with haste.

Date of experience: April 30, 2024
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Follow Kenneth D.
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DU has become a parody of it, s former self. It promotes war with Russia or North Korea and Syria... Yemen... Somalia... any Country. Just because... Trump. The posters there are generally pimps for the MIC.

Date of experience: July 8, 2018
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January 4, 2022

It is amazing how narrow minded this forum is. Any disagreement with the beliefs or thoughts of anyone will get you booted. Example, I recently commented on an article that missed a few facts, follow up comments proceeded to malign and slander the person in the story which shows that everyone who did comment never even bothered to review the story and see if there was any other info to be had. If so they would have realized that there were a few points missing that the original story missed.
I pointed this out and had my posting privileges revoked by an enthusiastic and misguided member who felt that my comments were not valid... all I did was point out that there were some facts missing from the original story. I never made a comment of the person in the article.
If you are looking for thoughtful and intelligent discussions... look elsewhere.

Date of experience: January 4, 2022
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In the past, I've posted things on DU from other sources that didn't always express positive sentiments regarding Hillary Clinton. I did that, not because I agree with the negativity in those sources, but to use them as an illustration of something with which I disagree and I always made my disagreement quite clear in the subject lines of my posts--at least, I always thought I did.

My expressed disagreement, apparently, makes no difference. Someone will read the post, see a negative view of Hillary from an outside source, clutch their pearls and take to their fainting couch. When someone else revives them with smelling salts, they alert on my post, a Group Think jury convenes and the jury makes a decision to remove my post.

I am done with them. There are much more productive and less anger-inducing uses of my time.

Date of experience: June 17, 2019
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Fresh on the boat, 80-odd posts. Have been a lifelong progressive, and was shut down shortly after posting a commentary on today's travesty of a social security program from being far from what FDR intended, and one criticizing the need to not offshore the majority our defense suppliers. No warning, no appeal, just BOOM! Several emails to the admins elicited nothing. They merely refer you to their "Terms and Conditions", which is as long as your life, and so full of clauses and no-no's to be indecipherable. They may be infringing on First Amendment rights by arbitrarily banning and giving no explanation or justification, or even appeal (!), and I intend to find out. If they are, well, I'd like to have a judge hear this one.

Date of experience: October 1, 2018
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I'm as left as can be and got booted off the site very quickly. Being Left means you have ocassional constructive criticism of the Dems too. This is not allowed. Dem Underg will ride their cursing and happy-talk train to the same place it took them in 2000, in 2004, in 2016...

Date of experience: November 17, 2020
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I was a member of DU for several months. Recently, there was a plethora of anti AOC posts and I finally got upset. I wrote a post asking how a seated Democratic legislator could be attacked so often by supposed Democrats on DU. I was highly critical of those members who were anti AOC but didn't name anyone in particular, and said nothing abusive. Next thing I know, the idiots in charge of the site sent me a message that told me to essentially defend my position or be banned from the site. It also stated I might not hear back from them at all. So democratic of them. I told them to stuff it, and I would not be using their gestapo-like anti progressive "Democratic" website. It's truly bizzarre how weird and authoritarian the admins are about what people are allowed to say. They never responded to my comments because their only intent is to purge anyone progressive or "too liberal."

Date of experience: January 17, 2021
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Cats and dogs
October 7, 2023

Great site if u want to click on interesting site header, only to find it's about a dog, or cat. Also, unless you are pro illegals, and pro Israel, u will get blocked. Not all Dems are pro illegals, or pro Israel.

Date of experience: October 7, 2023
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Don't bother
January 28, 2022

Signed up, thought had found good site for Dems. Unless u toe the line write nothing negative about Israeli treatment of Palestinians, Bernie sander u will be blocked fr responding to many posts. Too many postings about animals, artwork. Too many opinion pieces passing as news, too many links to Twitter. If I were interested in Twitter, I would sign up Have never voted for republicans, strongly support BDS, if this is u, don't bother signing up, and egads, they won't let u delete ur acct. WTH if u r a pic suggest news one, the root, where u can post what u want, or rawstory, which I love

Date of experience: January 28, 2022


Democratic Underground has a rating of 1.1 stars from 36 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Democratic Underground most frequently mention and long time. Democratic Underground ranks 13th among Liberal sites.
